Read the dialogue. — I've got great news! We're going hiking this weekend.
— Well, I don't think it's a good idea.
— Why is that?
— There'll be hail and rain on Saturday, probably.
— If so, we'll just go to a café or something, but I'm sure that everything is going to be okay.
— Really? Why?
— The weather forecast said that the storm would hit over town, so I think we'll be okay. We're going to pick some berries, ride the bike, take some photos... The forest is magnificent in autumn. All those colours!
— Well, I can't agree with you. In autumn everything is wet and damp. And I catch a cold every two weeks. I love summer — holidays, no school, no homework, just pure relaxation. I'm really looking forward to next summer...
— I see your point. But still we can enjoy the moment.
— Well, maybe. What about winter? Do you like freezing cold as much as rain?
— Haha, actually, I do. In winter you can go skiing, ice skating, snowboarding, you can play hockey, snowballs, you name it! Isn't it wonderful?
— For me — not really... I like warmth and sun. I spend most of winter reading books and drinking hot tea.
— Tastes differ, that's OK. But I have an idea. We'll take you with us on our next hiking trip. You'll love it!
— Oh no, not hiking! I've got a better idea. Come to my place and we'll play the new board game I bought last week.
— Okay, that's nice too!
Fill in the phrases:
1. sure is going to be okay
2. the forest is in autumn.
3. we'll on our next hiking trip
1)Building materials are divided into natural (natural) and artificial(Строительные материалы разделяют на природные (естественные) и искусственные)
2)Не смогу сказать.
3)metals are divided into two groups: ferrous and non-ferrous(металлы делятся на две группы: черные и цветные)
4)Ferrous metals are those that contain steel and iron.Non-ferrous metals do not contain steel or iron. This group of metals includes: aluminum and copper, Nickel and lead, zinc and tin, brass and gold, silver and platinum, as well as many others that do not contain iron.(Чёрными называются те металлы, которые содержат сталь и железо.Цветные металлы не содержат стали и железа. К данной группе металлов относятся: алюминий и медь, никель и свинец, цинк и олово, латунь и золото, серебро и платина, а так же многие другие, не содержащие железо.)