Раскрыть скобки. put the verbs in brackets into the correct infinitive form or -ing form. 1.it involves (slide) down extremly. 2.you can (lie down) or stand up. 3.whe standing up,both your feet are tired to the board to you from (fail off). 4.prefer (keep) their feet untied. 5.you imagine (speed)
headfirst down a sand. 6.because that is how fast you can expect (go). 7.you dont need (have) any experience
How many times a year do Russian schoolchildren rest on their holidays?
What is duration of autumn and spring holidays?
How do schoolchildren spend their spare time on holidays?
What kinds of entertainment do schoolchildren like on winter holidays?
How long are the summer holidays?
Which holidays are the most-liked by children?
What is the main plus of holidays?
What is the best way to spend time on summer holidays?
How much homework do schoolchildren do at holidays?
How often do schoolchildren miss school during their holidays?
Грамматика Совершенное Время. (Имел + причастие времени).Правило: используйте совершенное время, чтобы показать связь между двумя действиями в совершенное время указывает на действие, которое произошло первым. Например, когда я пришел во двор, дети уже играли в эту игру.
Примеры употребления.
Had they finished work before they left? Они закончили работу, перед тем как уйти? Had he drunk coffee before he went to work? Он выпил кофе, перед тем как пошел на работу?
We came to the bus stop, but the bus had left – Мы пришли на автобусную остановку, но автобус ушёл.