Раскройте скобки On June, 20th, I will return home. I (be) away from home for two years by that time. My family (meet) me at the airport with kisses and tears. They (miss) me as much as I have missed them. I (be) very happy to see them again.
When I (get) a chance, I (take) a long look at them. My little brother (be, no longer) so little. He (grow) at least a foot. He (be) almost as tall as my father. My little sister (wear, probably) a green dress because that's her favorite color. She (change) quite a bit too, but she (be, still) mischievous and inquisitive. She (ask) me a thousand questions a minute, or so it well seem.
My father (gain, probably) some weight? and his hair (turn) a little grayer, but otherwise he will be just as I remember him. My mother (look) a little older, but not much. The wrinkles on her face (be) smile wrinkles.
She had 2 years left of HS before University (She went to Belarus State)
When she came for 11th grade, she did NOT learn anything that she had learned in 9-10th grade in Russia. So the only thing she learned was better English skills.
In the USA, we have school for children from ages 5 to ages 18.
After that, they usually CAN goto a University, or try to learn a trade ( Electricity, welding, plumbing) or try to find a job, or live with their parents.
The book , dedicated to the 900th anniversary of the Tower , the Duke of Edinburgh , wrote that " in its history, the Tower of London was a fortress and a palace and royal jewelry store , and an arsenal , and mint, and a prison , and an observatory, and the zoo , and a place that attracts tourists. "
In 1078 , construction began on the highest part of the castle, the so-called White Tower
London Castle was built not only to keep control of the Thames Estuary , but to frighten recalcitrant citizens.
После битвы при Гастингсе, несчастливой для Англии, победоносный предводитель норманнов Вильгельм Завоеватель торжественно короновался в Вестминстерском аббатстве английской короной. Но новый король не захотел поселиться в Лондоне среди враждебного населения. И норманны стали укрепленным лагерем у стен Сити, а потом и свою стоянку обнесли стенами. Так возник Тауэр, и некоторое время бок о бок существовали Сити за своими стенами и король — за укрепленными башнями замка.
В книге, посвященной 900-летию Тауэра, герцог Эдинбургский писал о том, что "за свою историю Лондонский Тауэр был и крепостью, и дворцом, и хранилищем королевских драгоценностей, и арсеналом, и монетным двором, и тюрьмой, и обсерваторией, и зоопарком, и местом, привлекающим туристов".
В 1078 году началось строительство самой высокой части замка, так называемой Белой башни
Лондонский замок строился не только для того, чтобы держать под контролем устье Темзы, но и для острастки непокорных горожан.