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Раскройте скобки, используя глаголы в пассивном залоге: The Tower of London 1) (build) by William the Conqueror in 1078 as a castle and palace. Since that time it 2) (expand) to its present size, and 3) (use) as an armoury, a zoo, a royal mint, a prison, and a museum. At the time when it was a prison a lot of people 4) (lock) in the Tower for their religious beliefs or suspected treason. Anne Boleyn, Sir Walter Raleigh and Elizabeth the First 5) (shut up) there, too. Spies 6) (imprison) in the Tower during both World Wars. Some of the prisoners 7) (allow) to walk in the grounds, live in comfortable rooms and receive visitors. Many convicted 8) (publicly/execute) on Tower Hill. They 9) (behead) with the block and axe, which 10)(keep) and 11) (show) in the Tower Armoury now. The Jewel House 12) (situate) at the Tower. The collection of the Crown Jewels 13) (keep) in it. Saint Edward's Crown, the Imperial State Crown, and the royal scepter 14) (guard) there. Saint Edward's Crown 15) (use) for the coronation ceremonies. 3000 precious jewels 16) (contain) in the Imperial State Crown. In 1671 a daring attempt 17) (make) to steal the Crown Jewels by a man named Captain Blood.

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23.01.2023 19:14

You were very careless in telling him that.

2. In fairness I must say that she deserves this promotion.

3. To be absolutely fair, if the child will be transferred to the care of his mother.

4. This spot cannot be removed.

5. it is Unfair to blame him for this.

6. it is Worth examining all the evidence in more detail.

7. it's Amazing to find you at home at this time.

8. it is Useless to try to change anything. You can't undo what you've done.

9. It would be interesting to see these pictures.

10. it's Funny to hear this from you.

11. it is quite natural that now he tries to justify himself.

12. It is so like him to promise and do nothing.

13. the safest thing, in my opinion, is to travel by train.

14. It's boring to hear her stories about their illnesses.

15. She was hard to force myself to come to terms with it.

16. I think she will be pleased to receive this perfume as a birthday gift.

17. I feel more comfortable.go home by bus rather than by tram.

18. Isn't it a crime to deprive people of their last means of livelihood?

19. It would be a mistake to trust him with this job. He is still young and inexperienced.

20. You acted recklessly without warning her in advance.

21. He was right to change his mind.

22. She acted wisely, that the time invested in the new venture.

23. I was horrified to see the ruins of the city during the war.

24. I was in a fever when I realized the danger I was in.

25. She was infuriated by the idea that her friend had a new fur coat.

26. Need to have great courage to accept this challenge.

27. it Took a lot of effort and money to restore the country's economy after


28. It took a lot of persuasion before she agreed to this marriage.

29. it is not profitable for Us to be at enmity with them.


2. Translate sentences using the Infinitive as Predicative

1. the Problem was how to explain everything to her.

2. The last thing she wanted, the case was committed some publicity.

3. The book was very difficult to print.

4. The author had no funds for the preparation of the manuscript.

5. In the area unsafe to live.

6. the Music was very pleasant to listen to.

7.it is very difficult to talk to her when she is in this mood.

8. My house is conveniently located, it is always easy to find.

9. With this it is convenient to start.

10. such a concert is not interesting to listen to on the record. It is better to go to the concert hall.

11. Dictionaries are often useful to read at leisure.

12. On her it was funny to watch.

13. The only thing she was afraid of, is that the child is not lost.

14. Her first desire was to check everything herself.

15. She believed that her main duty as a hostess was to entertain guests.

16. his suggestion Was that everyone should try to find an acceptable solution


17. The task of the seller to serve the customer quickly and politely.

18. The best thing we can do for him is to pretend that nothing is wrong.

it's happening.

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11.08.2022 08:07

London is really an old city. It has existed for two millennia. It is the capital of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The river Thames is a jewel of the city. About 9 million people live in London. It is situated on a 1,580 square kilometers.

Лондон действительно старый город. Он существует на протяжении двух тысячелетий. Это – столица Объединенного королевства Великобритании и Северной Ирландии. Река Темза является украшением города. Около 9 миллионов людей живет в Лондоне. Он раскинулся на 1,580 квадратных километров.

The capital is a vast financial centre of the country. London is one of the largest and the busiest ports of the world. The city is divided into 32 parts32 parts..

Столица – огромный финансовый центр страны. Лондон один из наибольших и самых загруженных портов мира. Город делится на 33 части.

The City is in the centre, but it is only a small area of it. This part is the business sector of the capital. There are many offices and firms here. The Bank of England is in the City.

Сити находится в центре, но это только небольшой его участок. Эта часть – деловой сектор столицы. Здесь находится много офисов и фирм. Банк Англии расположен в Сити.

Besides, there are a lot of famous buildings and monuments. One of them is St. Paul’s Cathedral. You can see statues of outstanding British people: Wellington, Nelson and others in it. Another celebrated architectural masterpiece is the Tower of London. It was a palace, a zoo, a fortress and a prison at different times. The Tower is a museum now.

Кроме того, здесь много известных строений и памятников. Один из них – это собор Святого Павла. В нем можно увидеть статуи выдающихся британцев: Веллингтона, Нельсона и других. Другим прославленным архитектурным шедевром является Лондонский Тауэр. Он был дворцом, зоопарком, крепостью и тюрьмой в разные времена. Сейчас Тауэр – это музей.

Westminster is the aristocratic district of the capital. People like to visit it because of it historical places. There are the Houses of Parliament in the Palace of Westminster. Big Ben is the famed clock. It is situated here too. Westminster Abbey is a wonderful church. It’s almost 1000 years old. Practically all the rulers of Great Britain were crowned and buried here. There are the graves of well-known people, such as Darwin, Kipling and Newton. There are memorials to Shakespeare, Burns, Byron, and Longfellow in the Poet’s corner. Also you can find Buckingham Palace in Westminster, which is the residence of the The Quenn.

Вестминстер – это аристократический округ столицы. Люди любят посещать его из-за его исторических мест. В Вестминстерском дворце находится дом Парламента. Биг Бен – это известные часы. Они также находятся здесь. Вестминстерское аббатство – прекрасная церковь. Ей почти 1000 лет. Здесь практически все правители Великобритании короновались и были похоронены. Здесь находятся могилы таких известных людей, как Дарвин, Киплинг и Ньютон. В уголке поэтов расположены памятники Шекспиру, Бернсу, Байрону и Лонгфелло. Также в Вестминстере можно найти Букингемский дворец, который является резиденцией королевы.

The district of London called Soho is famous for its restaurants. Visitors can enjoy the cuisine of different counties. There are many offices of the biggest film companies too.

Район Лондона, названный Сохо, знаменит своими ресторанами. Посетители могут насладиться кухней разных стран. Также здесь много офисов наибольших кинокомпаний.

The poorest district of the capital is the East End. But it is very important for the country, because the Port of London is situated here.

Самый бедный округ столицы – это Ист Энд. Но он очень важен для страны, потому что здесь находится порт Лондона.

The West End is the richest district of London. English celebrities live here.

Вест Энд – самый богатый район Лондона. Здесь живут английские знаменитости.

There are many museums in London. The British Museum is the richest one, because it has unique collections of manuscripts, antiquities and books. The largest art galleries are: the Tate Gallery, the Royal Academy of Arts, the National Gallery.

В Лондоне много музеев. Британский музей – самый богатый, потому что имеет уникальные коллекции манускриптов, антиквариата и книг. Наибольшие художественные галереи: галерея Тейт, Королевская академия искусств, Национальная галерея.

The city has a considerable number of theaters. Almost everyone has heard about the Royal Shakespeare Theatre and the Royal Opera House.

Город имеет немалое количество театров. Почти все слышали о Королевском Шекспировском театре и Королевской опере.

It is an important educational centre. There are the best higher educational establishments in the world. They are: the British Academy, the London University and others.

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