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He couldn`t answer the question because he (to think) about his problems for the last 15 minutes.

2. She (to talk) for some time when I (to stop) her.

3. It was eleven o`clock. He (to sleep) for ten hours.

4. While she (to look) at Khristy, he (to look) at Alice. 5. At last they (to deliver) me my order which I (to wait) for 2 weeks.
5. At last they (to deliver) me my order which I (to wait) for 2 weeks.

6. Their family (to visit) the same doctor for years.

7. When I (to come) to see him, he (to feel) badly.

8. He (to look) for a house to rent for a month before he (to find) the one he (to like).

9. At last they (to meet) last month. They (not to see) each other for a long time.

10. Anna (to look) tired in the morning. She (to prepare) for the conference the whole night.

11. When the children (to come) home yesterday, their hair (to be) wet because they (to swim).

12. Last Friday I (to see) him in the park. He (to jog).

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25.11.2021 18:22
2. My subordinates usually … five days a week, and this week they … six days. d. work; are working
3. When Mr. Lyndon arrived, the Managing Director … lunch, but stopped in order to talk to him. a. was having
4. The company … for office managers now. d. is advertising
5. Don’t worry … late tonight. b. if I am
6. What time … the accident …? a. did; happen
7. I … a very difficult day tomorrow. I need to prepare for the exam. a. will have
8. We had many difficulties but we … them. a. have overcome
9. At 9 a.m. on Tuesday the Public Relations Manager … the delegation in the office. b. is receiving 10. I … always … if the service is bad in restaurants. a. –; complain
11. At first I thought I … the right thing, but I soon realized that I … a serious mistake. b. had done; had made made
12. This … the third time I … you one and the same question. a. has been; asked 13. Next week Kate McKenna … to the USA on business. a. is going
14. How long … you … here? – Since I graduated from the university. a. have been working
15. I … agricultural fairs a lot, but I don’t any more. d. used to attend
16. … you … the bank when you go out? I need to top up my mobile account. c. Will; be passing
17. The economic situation is already very bad and it … worse. a. is getting
18. He is broke. He … all his money into some hoity-toity business. b. has put
19. I think it … a hard time for our enterprise. a. is going to be
20. Everything is going well. We … any problems so far, fortunately. c. haven’t had
21. We … a lot of orders from other firms at this price and more orders … now. a. have got; are coming
22. The participants … the matter before the chairman … . c. will have discussed; comes
23. It … an invention which … the foundations of modern information technology. a. was; laid
24. I … the Chief Executive himself today, but I … to his deputy. b. haven’t seen; have spoken
25. I … ill since I … up this morning. d. have been feeling; got
26. She … promoted because she … a lot of good work. b. got; had done
27. By next summer you … English for two years. c. will have been studying 28. She … at the parcel long enough, before she … that it was for her boss. b. had been looking; understood
29. He … through advertising brochures when I … the room yesterday. c. was looking; entered
30. After we … the specimens of your products, we came to the conclusion that they … our requirements. a. had examined; met
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09.02.2021 06:42
Fast food in our lifeNowadays, people are more health-conscious than they used to be. Some people with busy life prefer to eat fast food, others say that it is bad for health. Which point of view is better? As for me, I think that fast food is harmful for us.Now let me prove my point of view. Firstly, fast food hasn`t got any vitamins which are necessary for health. Secondly, a lot of people like to eat hamburgers and drink coca cola. But what is tasty is not always healthy. Fast food makes you fat. Thirdly, fast food destroys people`s health, and it influences psychology. That’s why many people become very nervous.But somepeople are quite sure that fast food is very convenient for people with busy lives because it saves time. But I don`t agree with these people that, if you want, you can make some salad at home and bring it with you, and it also save time.At the end of my composition, I want to say that I prefer to eat fruit and vegetables rather than fast food because I think that it helps me to save my health. Of course, I can’t but agree that the problem needs further discussion. There are many people, there are many opinions. В наше время люди не настолько здоровы, насколько должны быть. Некоторые люди с занятой жизнью предпочитают фастфуд, другие говорят, что это плохо для нашего здоровья. Какая точка зрения лучше? Что касается меня, я думаю, что фастфуд вреден для нас.Теперь позвольте мне доказать мою точку зрения. Во-первых, фастфуд не содержит витаминов, которые необходимы для нашего здоровья. Во-вторых, много людей едят гамбургеры и пьют кока-колу, но то что вкусно не всегда полезно. Из-за фастфуда мы набираем вес. В-третьих, фастфуд разрушает здоровье людей и влияет на их психику. Вот почему множество людей становятся очень раздражительными.Но некоторые люди уверены, что фастфуд очень удобен для людей с занятой жизнью, потому что это экономит время. Но я не согласна с этими людьми, если ты хочешь, ты можешь сделать салат дома и взять его с собой, и это сэкономит ваше время.В конце моего сочинения я хочу сказать, что я предпочитаю есть фрукты и овощи, а не фастфуд, я думаю, что это мне сохранить здоровье. Конечно, проблема нуждается в дальнейшем обсуждении. Сколько людей, столько и мнений.
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