QUICK CHECK Put a line through the incorrect sentence.
1 This picture was painting by Picasso. /
This picture was painted by Picasso.
2 What it called? / What's it called?
3 This book was wrote in 2011./
This book was written in 2011.
4 Where were the photos taken? /
Where was the photos taken?
5 She wasn't told the news. /
She not told the news.
However, two American teachers, William Draves and Julie Coates, believe that it is not the boys who are the problem, but the school. Their book, “Nine shift: Work, life, and education in the 21 st century explains that in fact boys are better prepared for the future. Boys are more interested in computers and the internet. They like taking risks, and thinking about ways of making money and teamwork – things that are important for success at work.
The problem is that schools punish boys for this behavior because they are bad at listening and following instructions.