Put in the missing vowels [a e i o u] . H_rry is a v_ry sp_c_ _ l b_y wh_ l_ves w_th h_s _ _ nt, _ncl_ _nd c_ _s_n. Th_y tr_ _t h_m v_ry b_dly _nd m_k_ h_m d_ _ll th_ w_rk. W_ s_ _ h_w sp_c_ _l h_ _s wh_n th_ f_m_ly h_v_ a tr_p t_ th_ z_ _ _nd Harry c_n t_lk t_ sn_k_s! S_ _n _ft_r, h_ h_s a v_s_t fr_m Hagrid, a t_ _ch_r _t Hogwarts. Hagrid t_lls Harry h_ _s a w_z_rd and m_st g_ t_ Hogwarts wh_r_ h_ w_ll l_ _ rn h_w t_ p_t h_s p_w_r t_ g_ _ d _s_.