Put in the following words in each space in the text below. on (2) in (4) for (3) of (2) under with (2) apart from blackpool, (1) the lancashire coast, all the tram systems which operated in many (2) the major towns and cities (3) britain between the wars were closed (4) the 1940s and 1950s to make way (5) the motorcar. now, however, there has been a renewal (6) interest in the tram concept, (7) major systems already (8) operation in manchester and sheffield, and networks (9) construction in croydon (south london) and birmingham. the manchester metrolink has been remarkably successful (10) 13,8 million trips in 1997 and there are several plans (11) extensions. work (12) a new light rail system (13) nottingham, which was authorized (14) december 1998, is due to begin in 1999.