Put in necessary prepositions. (6 б.) Вставь необходимые предлоги
1. You shouldn’t eat ___ your fingers and talk ___ your mouth full.
2. When Sandra puts ___ her blue jeans, she looks very slim ___ them.
3. Len is really good ___ taking photos and he is fond __doing that.
4. You must come ___ school ___ time.
5. Will you join ___ us ___ dinner?
6. Such things can happen __ everybody.
Today we have a serious Internet problem as many users are Internet-addict. It is very dangerous for our musculoskeletal system and eyesight. Inadequate people and young teenagers can watch and read something really bad there. But, anyway, nowadays people cannot live without it. All factories, offices, vehicles won't be able to work without Internet. It's the largest database. In my opinion, people have the very precarious position when they don't know what to do when the electricity will disappearhroughout history, people have always been worried about new technologies. The fear that the human brain could not cope with the onslaught of information that could be made possible by the latest development was first voiced in response to the printing press, back in the sixteenth century. Swap the "printing press" for the "Internet", and you have exactly the same problems today, is regularly voiced in the mass media, and is usually focused on children. The human brain is always dealing with a constant stream of rich information - that's what the real world is all about Information overload it is Important to remember that the human brain is always dealing with a constant stream of rich informationInformation overload it is Important to remember that the human brain is always dealing with a constant stream of rich information; this is what the real world is as far as our senses are concerned. Whether it's watching a video being played on a small screen or watching people playing in a Park, the brain and visual system still have to do the same amount of work as providing detailed sensory information.
Poverkhnost' Anglii i Irlandii ploskaya, no poverkhnost' Shotlandii i Uel'sa gorna. Gory pochti vse v zapadnoy chasti. Samaya vysokaya gora v Soyedinennom Korolevstve - Ben-Nevis v Shotlandii (1343 m). Samaya dlinnaya reka - Severn. Eto na yugo-zapade Anglii. Temza ne tak dlinna, kak Severn, ona koroche. More pronikayet gluboko v zemlyu i okazyvayet bol'shoye vliyaniye na klimat, kotoryy vlazhnyy, no dovol'no myagkiy: zima ne ochen' kholodnaya, a leto ne ochen' zharkoye.
V Soyedinennom Korolevstve prozhivayet boleye 57 millionov chelovek. Bol'shinstvo zhiteley Velikobritanii zhivut v bol'shikh gorodakh i gorodakh.
Stolitsey strany yavlyayetsya London. Osnovnymi promyshlennymi tsentrami yavlyayutsya Sheffild i Birmingem, gde proizvodyatsya zheleznyye izdeliya, Manchester, khlopkovyy tsentr Anglii i drugiye.
Vazhnymi portami strany yavlyayutsya london, Liverpul', Glazgo i drugiye.