Произнесите в косвенной речи следующие утверждения: 1.Holly said: Last year I lived in Scotland.
2.Meggy said: Yesterday I went to the library.
3.Granny said: Ben's come back home safe and sound.
4.James explained: Alec is going to come here tomorrow.
5.Andrew asked: Where have you put your mobile?
6.My sister asked: Why did you buy the programme?
2. Always a punctual woman, she (comes) downstairs as the front door (is being opened) for Charles.
3. Some kind of public demonstration (is being planned) to take place at the airport tonight.
4. The flight (had not been announced) yet. It (would not be announced) for another half-hour, at least.
5. The message, as Tanya (was dictating) it, (was being typed) by a girl clerk in New York.
6. She could tell by the inclination of his head that he (had been listening) intently to everything that (had been said).
7. It (is) an old house that (is divided) into flats.
8. Julia can’t know what (is being said) about her, and someone must tell her.
9. Each apartment was usually ( shared) by two or three girls. They (were known) as stewardess’ nests.
10. Inez (occupied) a chair in the room’s centre to which she (had been/was guided) on arrival.
11. He ( saw) that the doors of Trans America Flight Two (had not been closed) yet, and a few remaining passengers were still ( checking) in.