Продолжить предложения на a) i was born in b) i am an active ( quite, knowledge - loving, shy, curious, etc.) c) my childhood dream was d) my earliest memory is e) i am grateful to my parents (teachers/ friends ), because f) the person that i admire is g) my dream is h) the most memorable day in my life was i) the movie/book that i will never forget is j) i would like to
2.I'm an active person
3.My childhood dream was travelling around the world
4.My earliest memory is my mom cooked delicious
5.I am grateful to my parents because they taught me a lot
6.The person that a admire is my mom
7.My dream is being clever
8.The most memorable day in my life was 2 years ago
9. The movie that I waill never forget is 'Shrek'
10.I would like to know English better