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Например: What is law? Law is one of the most important things for modern people.


The jury is a historic legal institution in which a group of laymen participate in a major way in deciding cases brought to trial. Its exact characteristics and powers depend on the laws and practices of the countries, provinces, or states in which it is found, and there is a considerable variation. Basically, however, it recruits laymen at random from the widest population for the trial of a particular case and allows them to deliberate in secrecy, to reach a decision by other than majority vote, and to make it public without giving reasons.
As far as the history of the jury is concerned, its origin is lost in the past. It may have been indigenous to England or have been brought there by the Norman invaders in 1066. Originally, the jurors were neighbourhood witnesses, the ones who passed judgment based on what they themselves knew. But the breakdown of medieval society and the growth of the towns changed this; the jury was called upon to determine the facts of the case, based upon the evidence presented in court. The availability of the jury in the king's courts may have been a key factor in centralizing the nation's courts under the king and in creating the common law. By the 15th century, nonrational modes of trial such as ordeal, in which the defendant was subjected to various tortures that, if successfully endured, proved his innocence, were replaced by the jury trial, that became the established form of trial for both criminal cases and civil ones at common law.
Two forces moved the jury abroad. One was the expansion of the British Empire, that brought the jury to Asia, Africa and the American continent. The other one was the French Revolution and its aftermath, which brought it, as a symbol of popular government, to the European continent: first to France itself, then, through Napoleon, to the Rhineland, later to Belgium, most of the remaining German states, Austria, Hungary, Russia, Italy, Switzerland, Holland, and Luxembourg, although the last two abolished it immediately after Napoleon's defeat. In each of these countries, the use of the jury was from the outset limited to trials of major crimes and to those of political ones against the state.
Beginning in the mid-19th century, the jury was weakened in a variety of ways: in 1850, Prussia, for example, removed treason from its jurisdiction; in 1919, Hungary suspended jury trial entirely and never restored it. Germany abandoned the jury in 1924. The Soviet bloc abolished it outright; France never restored the jury abolished during the German occupation in the 1940s, and Japan did away with its short-lived jury courts in 1943. After World War II, Austria reintroduced the jury in a weakened form.
Thus, there are three important points about the historyand development of the jury as a legal institution: first, the effort to introduce it outside the Anglo-American legal orbit has failed; further, in England itself its use was limited by statute to a small category of cases; and, thus, the United States has emerged today as the home of the jury system for both criminal and civil cases. Some 120,000 jury trials are conducted there annually, more than 90 percent of all jury trials in the world.
One cannot help mentioning that the use of the jury in the United States depends on two factors: the degree to which it is available as a matter of right and the degree to which the parties themselves choose to use it. The laws as to its availability have varied from state to state, but in 1968 in Duncun v. Louisiana the United States Supreme Court declared that a jury trial was a constitutional right in all criminal cases in which the penalty may exceed that of six months' imprisonment. In civil cases its constitutional status is less clear, but, in general, jury trial is available. The practice of allowing the parties to waive a jury trial also varies widely from region to region, and, as a result, the number of jury trials per year also varies widely. The annual number of criminal jury trials per 100,000 population ranges between 3 for Connecticut to 144 for Georgia.

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24.04.2020 00:12


"be careful," i told him. – i told him to be careful.

«будь осторожен», сказал я ему. – я сказал ему быть осторожнее.

"go away," he said. – he told me to go away.

«уходи», сказал он. – он велел мне уходить.

"call the first witness," said the judge. – the judge ordered them to call the first witness.

«позовите первого свидетеля», сказал судья. – судья сказал позвать первого свидетеля.

she told him, "please wait here till i return." – she requested him to wait there till she returned.

она сказала ему: «подожди, , здесь, пока я не вернусь». – она попросила его подождать здесь, пока она не вернется.

"stop smoking," the doctor said. – the doctor told me to stop smoking.

«перестаньте курить», сказал врач. – врач сказал мне перестать курить.

the stranger said to me, "please help me." – the stranger requested me to help him.

незнакомец сказал мен: «, мне». – незнакомец попросил меня ему.

the teacher said to the students, "work hard." – the teacher advised the students to work hard.

учитель сказал ученикам: «занимайтесь прилежно». – учитель посоветовал ученикам заниматься прилежно.

i said to the child, "do not look down into the well." – i warned the child not to look down into the well.

я сказал ребенку: «не заглядывай в колодец». – я ребенка не заглядывать в колодец.

the doctor said to the patient, "please come in." – the doctor allowed (= asked) the patient to come in.

врач сказал пациенту: «входите, ». – врач разрешил (= попросил) пациента войти.

0,0(0 оценок)
15.07.2021 19:54

Internet - a great invention of our time. If you think about it, even when people have had such opportunities for communication and exchange of information, as it is now? Could our grandparents to imagine that it will be possible at any time to contact his family, living on another continent? Read any book, without going to the library, to buy goods from the comfort of your home? Seen through the webcam that takes place in a different part of the world right now? Chat in "Twitter" foreign singer?

Like almost everything in our lives, the Internet can be held and the benefits and harms. They say there's a lot of unverified information. And the Internet teaches us to sedentary lifestyles that unprofitable for health. Probably why parents do not allow me to spend a lot of time on the web.

Internet - is a boundless expanse of information and communication, which is easily lost. And often, I read something useful and interesting and imperceptibly was an unknown site where the last half hour reading some gossip for hours ... or copy to "Vkontakte" with friends instead of meeting in the yard.

However, I believe that the benefits of the Internet has a lot more. It helps in learning. There are some very useful sites, such as "Wikipedia", where you can find the information in a clear manner about everything - events, people, things, events.

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