Прочитай текст 1 части рассказа с началом серединой и концом текста на стол бабушка поставила хлеб с маслом рисовую кашу и пирог с мясом налила чай с молоком завтрак был очень вкусным бабушка не разрешила внуком садиться за стол с грязными руками ноги всегда мыли руки перед едой без напоминания летом ноги гостили у бабушки в деревне они по утрам готовили ем завтрак 1 класс обучение
After twenty minutes a tall and muscular policeman returned from his duty and told me that he can drive me right to my home. It was a rescue for me and soon i stood at the entrance of my house. That's how i lost my mobile telephone.
Success usually requires special effort and work.
Some people can be successful in many things.
But more often you can succeed in rather few things.
Sometimes success can be sudden but usually you have to work a lot to become sucessful.
For me success is reaching the goals that I have set myself.
At the momet I want to have good marks at school so as to enter university.
I also want to be successful in my sport so I train a lot.
There are a lot of people who help me to achieve my goals.
They are my parents, teachers and friends.