Прочитать рассказ "Прометейщина". Составить сравнительную таблицу. В первой колонке героические поступки Прометея. Вторая колонка поступки Верёвкина. В конце сделать общий вывод. Почему рассказ называется "Прометейщина"? Какой сатирический приём использует автор?
1.because he loves and appreciates his native language and wants to show the world what a beautiful language they have.
2.Yes I think it is important.
3.I don't really want everyone to know me , because I like peace and quiet, and I don't like other people discussing me and my family.
4.I think the best thing about being a musician is when your parents and your loved ones see you and listen to you.And the worst thing about being a musician is the bad opinion of others, like haters.
5.I would like to become a beloved and respected teacher of mathematics for children when I am older. I want to show my children a love of math and I will continue to study hard and achieve my goal until then.
Вот так я ответила.
ответ:Название: The maker
Характер, отношение т.д: She played the violin, read books, gave advice. I put all my good qualities into this. But my time was coming to an end, and as a result the hare grew up and came to life. And we saw her for the first and last time ... I was very glad when I saw her come to life, she was directed by her beauty and great mind. she had everything that I wanted to embody in myself.
рекомендую/не рекомендую:; but unfortunately I saw her for the last time .. I recommend watching this film to friends, it has a lot of meaning, he will ask you to think about the meaning of life.