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16.02.2020 10:05 •  Английский язык

Present perfect или present perfect continious?
we (not to see) him for ages.
Lena (fail) her math test becauce she doesn't prepare to the lesson.
she (do) homework since lunch.
i (hear) about her for a long time.
i (drive) since i was 16.
he (study) english for 30 minutes every day.

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24.10.2022 04:13


Впринципе вот думаю может подойти 


The school year comes not just children, and boys and girls with their usual features of perception, thinking, speech, emotions, with different settings, the types of character, behavior, different in their biological age. It is believed that at a certain age a child must have some knowledge and skills. In this case, the child's sex completely ignored. The school teaches all the same.

However, the initiative of separate education for boys and girls are today becoming more common: at present in all the major cities of the country are functioning male and female high school, as well as schools with parallel classes for the education of children of both sexes.

Separate training and education of students have long been the subject of a comprehensive scientific research in many countries. In the U.S., for example, in 1965, a special Council, coordinating the efforts of scientists, doctors, and teachers on resettlement students, learning their social values and norms that govern the behavior of men and women.

Gradual realization of the importance of Russian educational community studying this problem only started in the last decades of the 20th century. Scientists was established difference in genetic and spiritual maturity heterosexual students, identified significant differences in the activity of the male and female brain. Thus, we can conclude that the problem of accounting for sexual features in the training and education of boys and girls is extremely urgent.

The choice of research topic, which is formulated by us as follows: "Education in School: joint or separate?" Influenced also the fact that the classes in which they teach only boys there and in our high school. And the attitude to them and by parents and by teachers, and by the students themselves ambiguous.

It has been hypothesized research, consisting in the fact that segregation is not only significantly increases the level of training of students, but also the health saving.

Purpose: to study the pros and cons of a particular teaching the boys at school (class-based Lyceum boys "Marine Technology").

To realize this goal were as follows:

- Examine the history of segregated education in Russia;

- Reveal the attitude of society to separate instruction;

- To analyze the mental characteristics of boys in different classes;

- To consider the impact of separate education of boys in their academic performance.

We used the following methods: a theoretical analysis of the historical and pedagogical literature, questionnaire, survey, comparative analysis of statistical data.

The practical significance of the work is the possibility to use the results of the study in the school, taking into account the sexual characteristics of students. A theoretical study on the gender approach to teaching students is crucial for increasing the productivity of the learning process.


The history of segregated education in Russian schools

In pre-revolutionary Russia for a long time practiced segregation of boys and girls in the men's and women's classic schools, commercial schools and educational institutions of other types. Young men trained for government military or civilian service, to engage in commerce, science, teaching at the secondary and higher educational institutions. By the beginning of XX century. not only in Russia but also in many countries of Western and Central Europe, it is men who played a key role in all spheres of public life. The woman was to devote himself mainly family, so schooling girls accordingly differ in content from the training boys.


As a result of his research, we came to the following conclusions:

- Segregation of children of different sexes is not only significantly increases the level of training of students, but also the health saving. Students separate classes there is a great emotional stability, low anxiety, and high self-esteem, and a high motivation to succeed;

- In spite of all the positive things, the majority of respondents against segregation. Its main drawback, for which they pay attention, - loss of communication skills with the opposite sex. Children from separate classes tipped learning difficulties in higher education and in later life: it outside the school one does not divide people by gender;

- Few teachers support segregation, but most still recognize the need for a differentiated approach to the boys and girls, especially in high school, where the profile training, pointing out that this requires different training program, a different approach to education.

Thus, the problem of efficiency of different methods of training do exist, it seems that the experiment in this direction is necessary and the school and parents. In this case, the school and the teacher should have the right to an identity, and parents and their children-students - the right to choose what they prefer.


 НЕ суди строго я не волшебник, я только учусь...=)

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16.08.2020 05:40
One of the international holidays is St. Valentine’s Day. This holiday has its story about two sweethearts, that’s why it’s called the day of all sweethearts. On this day many people make a declaration of love and propose marriage. And if they’ve already found their love, they just remind about it and make surprises or give presents to each other. The main symbol of this holiday is valentine. It’s a small heart-shaped card. It is put into the postbox of that person whom you like. I’m fourteen but I’ve never fallen in love. There is a postbox in our school and every year I receive several valentines from girls. I’m not upset, because I know that’s not love it’s just sympathy. I’m sure I’ll find my love. On this day girls’ faces are radiant with joy. They smile to all the boys in the school and wait for their valentine. I love this holiday because it gives people happiness and joy. For sweethearts this holiday is another reason to show their love. Мы тоже писали такое сочинение)) Прости,что без перевода)
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