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Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами. нужно для огэ. сделайте a few days ago kim’s family moved house. kim had very mixed feelings about it. on the one hand, she happy with her new room. it was larger than the room she used to live in. everything in this room in kim’s favourite colours and according to her taste. the flat was on the floor in an old brick building. from her window kim could see the large garden, which now was covered with bright yellow and the tiled roofs at a distance. “i’d be very happy if i here,” kim’s friend, jessica, said when she visited her for the first time. “and how is your new school? ” she asked, still admiring the fresh wallpapered walls with a few framed photos on “you new friends there, right? ” these words made kim feel nervous. “no, not yet.” she answered. then she said that she to her new school only the next monday and that the school looked nice and modern and there was a swimming pool in it. what kim / her friend was that she was awfully afraid of going there and meeting her new classmates and teachers.

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02.01.2021 06:38

My favourite sport is volleyball. I like to watch volleyball competitions on TV and I love playing this game!

Two years ago I joined our local volleyball club. We have three training sessions a week where we practise serving, blocking, and hitting. I love playing volleyball and I feel it has a positive influence on my body and mind. I don't need to worry about my weight and now I have a stronger immune system. Playing volleyball provides me with energy and positive emotions. It taught me to never give up and to fight till the end. I also have met new friends there. With all these benefits it is clear that this sport is great for me.

Мой любимый вид спорта - волейбол. Мне нравится смотреть соревнования по волейболу по телевизору, и я люблю играть в эту игру!

Два года назад я начал(а) заниматься в местном волейбольном клубе (секции). У нас три тренировки в неделю, где мы отрабатываем подачу, блоки и атакующие удары. Я люблю играть в волейбол и чувствую, что он оказывает положительное влияние на мое тело и ум. Мне не нужно беспокоиться о своем весе, и теперь у меня более сильная иммунная система. Игра в волейбол дает мне энергию и положительные эмоции. Волейбол научил меня никогда не сдаваться и бороться до конца. Я также встретил(а) там новых друзей. Со всеми этими преимуществами ясно, что этот вид спорта отлично подходит для меня.


My favourite sport is roller skating. It is great for people of all ages. I learnt to roller skate a few years ago and it is my favourite outdoor activity now. I love going downhill as well as doing spin turns. I like this sport because I can skate practically everywhere, and all I need is a pair of skates and comfortable clothes. When I started to learn to roller skate I used to wear wrist guards, elbow pads and knee pads. Now I skate very well and most often I don't wear my protective gear.

Roller skating is fun and great exercise for the whole body. It is a popular sport to lose weight and be fit. They also say that roller skating clears the mind and treats mild forms of depression. Well, I know for sure that this sport makes me happy!


Мой любимый вид спорта - катание на роликах. Этот вид отлично подходит для людей всех возрастов. Я научился кататься на роликах несколько лет назад, и сейчас это мое любимое занятие на свежем воздухе. Я люблю спускаться с горы, а также делать крутые повороты. Мне нравится этот вид спорта, потому что я могу кататься практически везде, и все, что мне нужно, это пара роликов и удобная одежда. Когда я начал учиться кататься на роликах, я надевал щитки для запястья, налокотники и наколенники. Сейчас я катаюсь очень хорошо, и чаще всего я не ношу защиту.

Катание на роликах - это весело и это отличная тренировка для всего тела. Это популярный вид спорта, чтобы сбросить лишний вес и быть в форме. Также говорят, что катание на роликах очищает разум и лечит легкие формы депрессии. Ну, я точно знаю, что этот вид спорта делает меня счастливым!


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05.04.2020 07:44
It was getting dark when Laura got to her sister’s place. The entrance door was LOCKed.
Laura pressed the doorbell and HEARd quick footsteps. “It’s so nice of you to come,’ Laura’s sister Betty opened the door.
“Come in. We have PUT a meat pie into the oven. I think it’ll be ready in forty minutes or so. You aren’t very hungry, are you?”
Betty was seven years YOUNGer than Laura, but she was much better at housekeeping.
When Laura entered the house, she saw four WOMeN in the sitting room.
They nodded and went on talking. “Where’s Ken?” asked Laura. “He is REPAIRing his car in the garage,” Laura said.
“He will JOIN us soon.”

Dr Michael Werner says that he has eaten nothing for four years. The German SCIENtists explains that he gets all his energy from sunlight. He says he drinks only water and DIFFERent fruit juices. Dr Werner has written an EXCITing book about his experiences. In it he says that when he started the experiment he even put on weight.
He says: "I can't really give an EXPLAnation of what’s happening to me; perhaps I just believe in my theory."
Dr Werner’s colleagues say that only plants can produce energy from the sun, and they cannot explain how he is able to stay HEALTHy.
“This case ,PROBABLy, needs a lot more research before we will be able to explain it,” they say.
What is the largest animal on the planet? My uncle says that it’s the blue whale. He is a SCIENtist and knows a lot about them. The blue whale is an endangered animal, nowadays, people protect whales. FORTUNATly, They study these BEAUTiful animals instead of killing them. Blue whales are notDANGERous to people. It’s unBELIEVABLE but these huge whales eat plankton – small plants and animals.
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