If I were a millionaire. I would have bought a house with a car and all that I need from the beginning. And then I would donate money to orphanages and sick people who need urgent surgery. Have a lot of money and it's bad and good, but it's better to be on average Sufficient and not stand out from the crowd.
На русском что бы знала о чем речь)
Если бы я была миллионером.Я бы с начала купила дом потом машину и все что мне нужно.А после я бы пожертвовала деньги в детские дома и больным людям которым требуется операция.Иметь много денег это и плохо и хорошо но лучше быть в среднем достатке и не выделяться из толпы людей.
In my opinion, i agree and disagree. We can receive useful information from the TV, radio and newspaper. Such as the weather forecast on the radio, popular songs on the radio and TV. News about what's happening around the world and in our country through the newspaper, TV and radio. And I disagree because advertisements on the TV and Newspapers aren't realistic. Today, in modern technology we have something called "photoshop" which is used to shape people's body's differently and you can almost do anything with photoshop. and i think that can make people feel self-conscious about themselves. The mass media brings a negative and positive outcome.
На русском что бы знала о чем речь)
Если бы я была миллионером.Я бы с начала купила дом потом машину и все что мне нужно.А после я бы пожертвовала деньги в детские дома и больным людям которым требуется операция.Иметь много денег это и плохо и хорошо но лучше быть в среднем достатке и не выделяться из толпы людей.
We can receive useful information from the TV, radio and newspaper.
Such as the weather forecast on the radio, popular songs on the radio and TV. News about what's happening around the world and in our country through the newspaper, TV and radio.
And I disagree because advertisements on the TV and Newspapers aren't realistic. Today, in modern technology we have something called "photoshop" which is used to shape people's body's differently and you can almost do anything with photoshop. and i think that can make people feel self-conscious about themselves.
The mass media brings a negative and positive outcome.