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Last time I (be) in the theater on the play, written by Maugham. It (be named) "Theatre". It (be) first night. But all (perform) so realistically, so true to life that I (begin) to feel for them like in real life. All the play, the acting, the staging (be) beyond any description. The audience in times (cannot tear) their eyes away from

the stage. All the actors (have) wonderful dresses and the scenery (be) out of ordinary. The spectators (be) deeply impressed by the play and the cast. I never (see) the audience applauded so much before. Many people (throw) flowers on the stage. It (be) a play I would remember for a long. In the beginning of the story she (be) young, unpracticed actress. She worried before the performance: her heart (be beating), hands (be trembling), but when she (come) into the stage, her voice (become) firm. Years (pass) and we see Julia: she (be) 46. But she still (have) lovely figure, long legs, and rich low voice. She (go) through the trial of love, passion, devotion and work. It (seem) to me, that the author (sympathize) to her, because she (manage) with each difficult situation. She (become) the "cold" actress. She (know) that she (be) the best. In my opinion she (learn) to live as she (like) and at the same time she (make) everybody happy. Julia (be) a crack jack, so she didn't let the emotions take over her. She (live) the life of her character, but also the actress always (remember) her teacher's words: "Don't be natural, only seem natural".

The leading female role (be played) by a young actress. And I would like to describe her. At first I would like to tell so words about her appearance. She (have) a lovely figure, everyone (admit) that, she (be) fairly tall for a woman, she (have) long legs. It (be) a pity that she had never had a chance to play Rosaline. She always (want) to play Shakespeare, but even her Beatrice hadn't been loved by the critics. It (be) so because of her low, rich voice, perfect for long passages and emotional roles, but not for the blank verse. Julia (be) very proud of her beauty, even when she (be) 46. Some people can say Julia (be) a "cold" actress, but I can't agree with them. She could make the audience be completely carried away by her speech and articulation. In bygone years she (be) intolerably nervous by the first night, but having passed through the ordeals so many times she had acquired certain nonchalance. After the play, if she (be) satisfied by her work, Julia pleased, exited and happy (go) to her dressing-room. In life Julia (be) a businesslike and not only in life, but in her job, family and even love. She (love) her husband until she (need) him; maybe she (be) artificial in her feeling. After all she (be) very talented actress and this role (be not) easy for playing.

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12.08.2022 05:07

This is the tale about two Japanese frogs. One lived in a pond in the city of Osaka, the other lived in a pond in the city of Kyoto. Each frog haved a wish. The frog from Osaka wanted to know what Kyoto was like and the frog from Kyoto wanted to see Osaka. So, one day they begined their trips. They hopped on and on mile after mile. Finally the two frogs meeted on the hill and telled each other about their wishes. “We are on top of a hill,” said the frog from Osaka. “We can try and see the cities from here. ”One frog looked at what he thinked was Osaka and the other — at what he thinked was Kyoto. Both be very unhappy.

“I see Kyoto ,” cry the frog from Osaka. “But it’s the same as Osaka.” “I see Osaka,” said the frog from Kyoto. “But it’s the same as Kyoto .” After that each of the frogs go back home. If you want to know why they were unhappy, I’ll tell you: frogs have eyes at the top of their heads. So when they stood on their back legs, they looked in the wrong directions.


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23.03.2023 09:58
September 11 сентябряEvery year on the first day of September millions of children across the world wear new uniforms, buy a bunch of flowers for their teachers and go to school. In many countries it’s the start of the academic year, which is an important day in students’ life. They understand that the new school year begins and want to make it pass more successfully that the previous one. Each pupil or student dreams of new achievements in different fields. That’s why, in my opinion, September 1st is an important day for children, their parents and teachers, of course. In Russia it’s the National Day of Knowledge. There are always festive events planned in advance. A day before that children get ready to meet their classmates and teachers. They prepare neat clothes and their backpack. Some of them get ready to perform in front of the audience, singing, dancing or citing some wishes to the youngest generation. On the 1st of September they get up early and make all the necessary preparations. Together with parents they go to school to see the opening ceremony and to participate in the holiday concert. Usually there are no lessons on this day, except for one meeting with the form tutor. He or she distributes the new textbooks to students and introduces their timetable. After the meeting the students are free to do whatever they like. Some of them run to play at the school playground, other choose to walk with their friends in the park. In any case, there are plenty of things to do in the city on September 1. There are concerts in the central square, theatrical performances, merry-go-rounds and all sorts of entertainment.Каждый год в первый день сентября миллионы детей по всему миру надевают новую форму, покупают букет цветов для своих учителей и идут в школу. Во многих странах это начало учебного года, то есть важный день в жизни учащихся. Они понимают, что начинается новый школьный год и хотят сделать его более успешным, чем предыдущий. Каждый ученик или студент мечтает о новых достижениях в различных областях. Вот почему, на мой взгляд, 1 сентября важный день для детей, их родителей и, конечно же, учителей. В России это национальный День знаний. Для него всегда заранее планируются праздничные мероприятия. За день до этого дети готовятся встретиться с одноклассниками и учителями. Они готовят аккуратную одежду и школьные рюкзаки. Некоторым из них нужно готовиться выступать перед аудиторией, то есть петь, танцевать или читать напутствия для младшего поколения. Первого сентября они рано встают и делают все необходимые приготовления. Вместе с родителями они идут в школу, чтобы посмотреть церемонию открытия или участвовать в праздничном концерте. Обычно занятий в этот день нет, а есть только собрание с классным руководителем. Он или она раздает учащимся новые учебники и знакомит их с расписанием. После собрания ученики могут делать все, что им нравится. Некоторые из них отправляются играть на школьной площадке, другие предпочитают ходить с друзьями в парк. В любом случае, 1 сентября много возможных мероприятий в городе. На центральной площади концерты, театральные представления, аттракционы и всевозможные развлечения.
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