1. I happened to be (looking) out of the window when I saw his car (approaching) the gate.
2. It has (been) ages since I last (saw) Nick. He is said (to have been married) Darcy and they are believed (to have left) the country.
3. We are going by sea but I'd rather we (went) by air. I (have never/been) a good sailor.
4. Listen to the birds (singing). You know, I recently bought a parrot, but now I am (thinking) of buying a canary bird. I want it to (sing) for me in the morning.
5. Look at her! She (has had her hair/cut). She looks gorgeous!
6. We’d better (hurry up)… I’d hate to (arrive) late. / I’d rather we (would not arrive) late.
bag мешок
candy cane леденец с белыми и красными полосками
decoration украшение
egg-nod рождественский напиток( яйцо+сливк+алкоголь)
fireplace камин
ginger bread пряник
holly остролист (украшение)
icicle сосулька
Jesus Иисус
kiss поцелуй
lights огни
manger ясли( колыбель Иисуса)
new year's Eve канун нового года
ornament украшение
present подарок
quilt стёганое одеяло
reindeer олень
santa claus Санта Клаус
tinsel блёстки мишура
unwrap разворачивать подарок
virgin Mary святая дева Мария
wreath венок (вешают на дверь)
x-mas рождество
yule Log рождественское полено ( сжигается на Рождество)
zephyr зефир
1. I happened to be (looking) out of the window when I saw his car (approaching) the gate.
2. It has (been) ages since I last (saw) Nick. He is said (to have been married) Darcy and they are believed (to have left) the country.
3. We are going by sea but I'd rather we (went) by air. I (have never/been) a good sailor.
4. Listen to the birds (singing). You know, I recently bought a parrot, but now I am (thinking) of buying a canary bird. I want it to (sing) for me in the morning.
5. Look at her! She (has had her hair/cut). She looks gorgeous!
6. We’d better (hurry up)… I’d hate to (arrive) late. / I’d rather we (would not arrive) late.