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Подберите подходящий по смыслу ответ из предложенных вариантов и обоснуйте свой выбор двумя - тремя предложениями. Начните свой ответ одним из следующих выражений. Model: a) I quite agree with the statement that because …
b) Just what I think … because …
1. Relations between people are regulated by …
a) the government.
b) prescriptive laws.
c) people’s experience.
d) customs and traditions.
2. If we always break the rules, other members of society may …
a) refuse to have anything to do with us.
b) carry precise penalties.
c) use the system of courts.
d) consult the police.
3. When governments make laws for their citizens …
a) they use the power of the police to enforce them.
b) they use justice.
c) they observe public opinion.
d) they try to use common sense.
When the world was at a very primitive stage of development there were no laws to regulate life of people. If a man chose to kill his wife or if a woman succeeded in killing her husband that was their own business and no one interfered officially.
But things never stay the same. The life has changed. We live in a complicated world.
Scientific and social developments increase the tempo of our daily living activities, make them more involved. Now we need rules and regulations which govern our every social move and action. We have made laws of community living.
Though laws are based on the reasonable needs at the community we often don’t notice them. If our neighbour plays loud music late at night, we probably try to discuss the matter with him rather than consulting the police, the lawyer or the courts. When we buy a TV set, or a train ticket or loan money to somebody a lawyer may tell us it represents a contract with legal obligations. But to most of us it is just a ticket that gets us on a train or a TV set to watch.
Only when a neighbour refuses to behave reasonably or when we are injured in a train accident, the money wasn’t repaid, the TV set fails to work and the owner of the shop didn’t return money or replace it, we do start thinking about the legal implications of everyday activities.
You may wish to take legal action to recover your loss. You may sue against Bert who didn’t pay his debt. Thus you become a plaintiff and Bert is a defendant. At the trial you testified under oath about the loan. Bert, in his turn, claimed that it was a gift to him, which was not to be returned. The court after listening to the testimony of both sides and considering the law decided that it was a loan and directed that judgment should be entered in favour of you against Bert.
Some transactions in modern society are so complex that few of us would risk making them without first seeking legal advice. For example, buying or selling a house, setting up a business, or deciding whom to give our property to when we die.
On the whole it seems that people all over the world are becoming more and more accustomed to using legal means to regulate their relations with each other. Multinational companies employ lawyers to ensure that their contracts are valid whenever they do business.

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08.05.2023 12:05

I suppose everybody considers modern technologies to be significant in our everyday life.  Nowadays people can't imagine their lives without new devices.  They are everywhere in our everyday life.

Almost nobody washes the clothes by hand.  Almost everybody has a mobile phone. All modern offices are equipped with computers, scanners, printers, and other self-operating machines. The rapid rise of using the Internet is the reality of our time.

 But I think modern technologies can be dangerous to some extent for people because mankind becomes too dependent on them. We and our children depend on how 'clever' appliances work. But, it isn’t always healthy to use them for a long time. Sitting long hours in front of the computer is bad for the eyes and causes back problems. They say cell phones contain negative vibes that influence human organism.

Most people are sure that new technologies are good. Thanks to computers and the Internet we can find more educational resources in no time. Such electronic items as vacuum-cleaner, washing machine, microwave, dishwasher, blender and a lot of others have made our life easier. It's really true.  We can't but agree to it.  I am not against new technologies.  But in my opinion, nowadays the modern world relies too much on them.

In conclusion, I’d like to say that technological progress can be dangerous to some extent for humankind and for surrounding nature too. So it's necessary to make modern devices safer and cheaper for people to use them and make the people's life happier and more pleasant.


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24.02.2022 21:58

The mobile phone is an important invention in the life of mankind. Development does not stand still. Now it's hard to surprise someone with new technology, but a few years ago, the average person could not even dream of such an invention as a mobile phone. A mobile phone allows you to be always in touch, share the latest news with friends and let your parents know that everything is all right with you. Mobile phones have made our lives easier. Now there is no need to be tied to a specific place if you want to talk to another person. A mobile phone allows you to call anywhere in the world. Now the mobile phone is not only a means of communication, but also a means of leisure. On your mobile phone, you can play games, watch movies, Write a message, use the Internet and communicate in social networks. Now a mobile phone is not a luxury, both a schoolboy and a pensioner have such a device. Each person buys a mobile phone according to their desire, appearance, and the necessary set of functions. I enjoy having my own mobile phone, as I am always in touch, can find the right information and have fun when I'm bored

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