Письменно переведите текст и выполните задания Physical Rehabilitation and its Objectives
Physical rehabilitation (PhR) or physica therapy (PHT), as it is commonly
named, is the treatment of disease, injury, or deformity by physical methods such
as massage, heat treatment, and exercise, rather than by drugs or surgery.
Rehabilitative services include, but are not limited to, physical therapy,
occupational therapy, speech therapy, cognitive and behavioral therapy,
recreational therapy and music therapy.
Physical rehabilitation provides services for people of all ages, from newborns
to the very oldest, when medical problems or other health-related conditions limit
their ability to move and function in their daily lives.
The goals of physical rehabilitation are to improve mobility (such as walking,
going up stairs, or getting in and out of a car), to relieve pain, and to restore
physical function and overall fitness. Depending on an injury, disease, or
condition, one may need to work on flexibility, strength, endurance, coordination
or balance.
Through patient and therapist interaction, physical rehabilitation can help restore
movement and function helping patients return to their prior level of independence.
Physical rehabilitation provides care for people in a variety of settings, including
hospitals, nursing homes, private practices, and outpatient clinics. Rehabilitation
services are provided by teams of highly trained and experienced rehabilitation
Physical rehabilitation aims to ease pain and help you function, move, and live
better. This therapy can positively impact the health status and functional ability of
many individuals with medical conditions, including those living with brain injury,
heart conditions, multiple sclerosis, stroke, spinal cord injuries, speech and hearing
conditions, limb loss, and cerebral palsy.
Выполните задания к тексту
А) Составьте словосочетания из текста, переведите их.
to improve / pain
to provide / function
to ease / services
to help / care
to restore / patients
to provide / mobility
В) Дополните предложения словами из рамки
[to ease / speech / treatment / drugs / settings /
restore / outpatient / independence / conditions /
1. Physical therapy, occupational therapy, therapy, cognitive and
therapy, recreational therapy and music therapy are the types of
rehabilitative services.
2. Physical rehabilitation can be provided in a variety of.
3. The aim of physical rehabilitation is pain and help you live
4. Physical rehabilitation may relieve pain, physical function and
overall fitness.
5. After physical rehabilitation patients can return to their prior level of
6. Physical rehabilitation may be provided in hospitals, nursing homes,
private practices, and clinics.
7. Medical problems or other health-related sometimes limit the
ability to move and function properly.
8. Massage, heat , and exercise are used instead of or
С) Определите, верные ли эти утверждения. Исправьте неверные, используя
информацию из текста
1. Physical rehabilitation provides services for people of all ages.
2. Rehabilitative services are limited to physical therapy, occupational
therapy and, speech therapy.
3. Drugs and surgery are the part of physical rehabilitation.
4. Depending on an injury, disease, or condition, patients may need to work
on flexibility, strength, endurance, coordination or balance.
5. Rehabilitation services are provided by highly trained and experienced
rehabilitation professionals.
6. The goal of physical rehabilitation is to work on strength and endurance.
7. Rehabilitation therapy can positively impact functional ability of
individuals with heart conditions.
8. Physical rehabilitation can’t help patients return to their prior level of
Florida is the southeastern state next to the Atlantic Ocean with the capital city of Tallahassee. It is mainly known for the beauty of its beaches as well for the landmark known as Walt Disney World.
Montana is located in the center of America. The capital city of which is Helena. Montana is famous for Yellowstone Park, wildlife, the Bighorn mountains and Glacier Park.
One of the most famous state in the world is New York . The capital city is Albany. It has one of the main product construction through which it gets profit for constructing different buildings.
Texas is located southern part of America and mostly known for the famous cowboy films and tourist attraction considering one of the large desert in America. The capital city is Austin.
Пением Ариана увлеклась еще в раннем детстве. Она много выступала в детском театре, пела в мюзиклах «Красавица и Чудовище» и «Волшебник страны Оз», выступала с оркестрами, в караоке на круизном лайнере и дебютировала на национальном телевидении, исполнив американский гимн в честь хоккейной команды Florida Panthers. К тринадцати годам Ариана Гранде определилась с желанием выступать. Когда она, впервые приехав в Лос-Анджелес, чтобы встретиться со своими менеджерами, сказала, что ей хочется записать альбом в жанре R&B, ей с недоумением ответили, что вряд ли кто-то будет слушать такую музыку в исполнении четырнадцатилетней девочки. В 2008 году Ариана получила роль чирлидера по имени Шарлотта в бродвейском мюзикле «13». За свою игру девочка удостоилась престижной награды National Youth Theatre Association Award. Пока Ариана строила свою карьеру, она даже успела заочно окончить школу.
В 2009 году Ариана решила пройти кастинг в новое шоу детского телеканала Nickelodeon «Виктория-победительница», действие которого происходит в театральной школе. Ей досталась роль Кэт Валентайн, подруги главной героини, в то время как ее коллега по мюзиклу «13» и подруга Элизабет Гиллис получила образ «дрянной девчонки». Ради съемок в «Виктории-победительнице» Ариане пришлось каждую неделю красить волосы в красный цвет. Участие в этом проекте девушке стать новым кумиром тинейджеров, но пение все же больше было ей по душе. Сериал «Виктория-победительница» получил большую популярность, а образ Кэт Валентайн многим напомнил роль, которую играла Бриттани Мёрфи в ставшем культовым фильме 1995 года «Бестолковые».