Периведите на язык 1 . с днем победы поздравляют ветеранов, животных , людей. 2. его отмечают с семьёй, с друзьями , с животнами. 3.каго люди ветеранов, птиц, овощи 4. люди ходят со своей семьёй на бульвард героев, на площадь или домой большое вам
1. on victory day congratulations veterans, animals , people. 2. it is celebrated with family, friends , animals. 3.the RAID people thank veterans, birds, vegetables 4. people go with their family on the Boulevard of heroes, the square or home thank you so much
1.On victory day congratulated the veterans, animals , people. 2.It is celebrated with family, friends , animals 3.Who do people thank veterans, birds, vegetables 4.people go with their family on the Boulevard of heroes, the square or home
veterans, animals , people.
2. it is celebrated with
family, friends , animals.
3.the RAID people thank
veterans, birds, vegetables
4. people go with their family
on the Boulevard of heroes, the square or home
thank you so much
2.It is celebrated with
family, friends , animals
3.Who do people thank
veterans, birds, vegetables
4.people go with their family on the Boulevard of heroes, the square or home