Можно про Джона Грина? Вся моя душа в нем, лол. One of my favourite authors is John Green. He is British writer and youtuber (the man who wakes YouTube videos, his and his brother Hank's channel named vlogbrothers). So, today John has three books - The Fault In Our Stars, Paper Towns, Looking For Alaska. And every single one of them are translated into Russian. His 'The Fault In Our Stars' is New Yourk Times bestseller. It's the wonderful love story about girl named Hazel Grace and boy named Augustus Waters. Hazel's desease is cancer. She has no friends and she doesn't do to school. So she met him, Augustus. She gives him a book called 'Imperial Affliction'. They go to another country to see the author of the book. But he isn't a smart, nice and genius man. He's just an old, angry and stupid man. So, at the end of the story Augustus dies. All John's books are love stories. Wonderful, amazing, unique love stories. One day, hopefully, I will talk to John, because I know, he is a great human being. I really hope that the most of readers will love his books for it's flawless.
One of my favourite authors is John Green. He is British writer and youtuber (the man who wakes YouTube videos, his and his brother Hank's channel named vlogbrothers). So, today John has three books - The Fault In Our Stars, Paper Towns, Looking For Alaska. And every single one of them are translated into Russian. His 'The Fault In Our Stars' is New Yourk Times bestseller. It's the wonderful love story about girl named Hazel Grace and boy named Augustus Waters. Hazel's desease is cancer. She has no friends and she doesn't do to school. So she met him, Augustus. She gives him a book called 'Imperial Affliction'. They go to another country to see the author of the book. But he isn't a smart, nice and genius man. He's just an old, angry and stupid man. So, at the end of the story Augustus dies. All John's books are love stories. Wonderful, amazing, unique love stories. One day, hopefully, I will talk to John, because I know, he is a great human being. I really hope that the most of readers will love his books for it's flawless.
Перевод : HK., HenapH., MAZE
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