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24.05.2022 23:22 •  Английский язык

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Wellheads can involve dry or subsea completion. Dry completion means that the well is onshore or on the topside structure on an offshore installation. Subsea wellheads are located underwater on a special sea bed template.
The wellhead has equipment mounted at the opening of the well to regulate and monitor the extraction of hydrocarbons from the underground formation. This also prevents oil or natural gas from leaking out of the well, and prevents blow-outs due to high pressure formations. Formations that are under high pressure typically require wellheads that can withstand a great deal of upward pressure from the escaping gases and liquids. These must be able to withstand pressures of up to 140 MPa (1,400 Bar). The wellhead consists of three components: the casing head, the tubing head, and the “Christmas tree”.
A typical Christmas tree is composed of a master gate valve, a pressure gauge, a wing valve, a swab valve and a choke. The Christmas tree may also have a number of check valves. The functions of these devices are explained below.
At the bottom we find the casing head and casing hangers. The casing is screwed, bolted or welded to the hanger. Several valves and plugs are normally fitted to give access to the casing. This permits the casing to be opened, closed, bled down, and in some cases, allows the flowing well to be produced through the casing as well as the tubing. The valve can be used to determine leaks in casing, tubing or the packer, and is also used for lift gas injection into the casing.
Master gate valve. The master gate valve is a high quality valve. It provides full opening, which means that it opens to the same inside diameter as the tubing so that specialized tools may be run through it. It must be capable of holding the full pressure of the well safely for all anticipated purposes. This valve is usually left fully open and is not used to control flow.
Pressure gauge. The minimum instrumentation is a pressure gauge placed above the master gate valve before the wing valve. In addition, other instruments such as a temperature gauge are normally fitted.
Wing valve. The wing valve can be a gate or ball valve. When shutting in the well, the wing gate or valve is normally used so that the tubing pressure can be easily read.
Swab valve. The swab valve is used to gain access to the well for wireline operations, intervention and other workover procedures. On top of it is a tree adapter and cap that mates with a range of equipment.
Variable flow choke valve. The variable flow choke valve is typically a large needle valve. Its calibrated opening is adjustable in 1/64 inch increments (called beans). High-quality steel is used in order to withstand the highspeed flow of abrasive materials that pass through the choke, usually over many years, with little damage except to the dart or seat.
If a variable choke is not required, a less expensive positive choke is normally installed on smaller wells. This has a built-in restriction that limits flow when the wing valve is fully open.
Vertical tree. Christmas trees can also be horizontal where the master, wing and choke are on a horizontal axis. This reduces the height and may allow easier intervention. Horizontal trees are especially used on subsea wells.

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21.09.2021 05:36
Sholpan nurumova  nei «economic lyceum» expo-2017 -discover kazakhstan it seems to me it is a common knowledge that international specialized exhibitions "expo", which have a long history, are conducted to demonstrate the technical and technological advances, as well as the history, traditions and culture of the participating countries.  it goes without saying, that they are the biggest events, which attract the attention of the world community and millions of visitors. in addition the exhibitions "expo" serve as a place for creating the new trends in economic, social and cultural development.  all nations of the world show their best technological, scientific and cultural achievements at these exhibitions. they form a new agenda of global development. such events are visited by millions of people from dozen of countries, presenting all continents.  it is no coincidence that according to the results of voting for the right to host the international specialized exhibition "expo-2017" kazakhstan, astana was chosen. i think that our victory in the acute competition is not accidental. firstly, it is the recognition of the capital as the center; which is ready to hold the event of the world rank. secondly, the choice in favor of kazakhstan says the appreciation of success of our state and highlights the prospects for its development, and the whole of eurasia. thirdly, the victory is supported by the relevance of our proposed topic "energy for the future."  from my point of view during the years of independence, kazakhstan has had the significant structural reforms, aimed at the gradual establishment of a market economy, based on a private property and a free competition. there is no doubt that we have proved that kazakhstan is a state with a steadily growing economy.  we must admit that kazakhstan is rich in natural resources, which allow it to get into the group of 10 richest countries of the world in this category. i would especially like to note the unique geographical location of kazakhstan between the dynamically developing markets of europe, east and south-east asia. our state has been playing also a great role in shaping the global transport system.  in conclusion, i would like to stress that holding «expo-2017" in kazakhstan, in the ongoing financial crisis, the reduction of markets, increased competition in the framework of the customs union, common economic space (ces) and the forthcoming accession to the world trade organization (wto), meets the huge tasks of forced industrialization set by the head of our state. in my opinion industrialization with emphasis on high-tech and innovative sectors of the economy will reveal the creative potential of kazakhstan. it also gives the impetus to the innovative development of the country, increases competitiveness, technological modernization of industry, as well as provides energy and environmental security.
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24.10.2022 23:34
12 апреля 1961 года Юрий Гагарин вошел в историю, став первым человеком, который облетел вокруг Земли.

Инженеры Советской Академии Наук с бортового компьютера управляли космическим кораблем «Восток 1» из Центра управления полетом. Это делалось из-за опасений, что в состоянии космической невесомости человек может потерять двигаться или вовсе не сможет двигаться. Для полета ему не нужна была пища, но ученые хотели знать, сможет ли он питаться в состоянии невесомости в космосе.

Перед полетом Гагарин произнес речь. В ней говорилось, как прекрасно, что у него есть возможность полететь в космос. Он был рад «встретиться с глазу на глаз с природой» во время полета.

По мере того, как ракета Гагарина поднималась все выше в космос, перегрузка достигла высшего значения в 5g, что означало, что Гагарин чувствовал себя в пять раз тяжелее, чем на Земле.

Когда Гагарин нижний слой атмосферы, отделилась защита носовой части, раскрывая герметическую кабину «Востока 1». Гагарин увидел темное синее небо, которое стало черным космическим пространством, когда корабль вышел на орбиту Земли.

Через 14 минут после старта Гагарин доложил: «Отделение от ракеты-носителя завершено». Гагарин попробовал образцы пищи и воды. Он доложил об отсутствии побочных эффектов на организм в состоянии невесомости. Когда Гагарин пролетал над Атлантическим океаном, он подумал о своей матери и о том, как она воспримет новость о первом космическом полете, который осуществлял ее сын. Она не знала о том, что Гагарин занимается космическими исследованиями, пока об этом не сообщили в новостях.

Около 10:15 утра, тогда, когда Гагарин пролетал над Африкой, автопилот развернул «Восток 1» и выпустил ракету, которая должна была вывести «Восток 1» с орбиты. Это были очень напряженные минуты в жизни Юрия Гагарина и всех ученых в центре управления полетом, потому что в двух из пяти полетов ракета вылетала неправильно, и полеты заканчивались катастрофой.

К счастью, в этот раз все сработало правильно: «Восток 1» сошел с орбиты и уменьшил скорость на 350 миль в час. Когда ракета сошла с орбиты, секция с оборудованием была отброшена, потому что в ней больше не было необходимости. Теперь от ракеты высотой 125 футов, запущенной около часа назад, осталась только капсула диаметром 7 1/2 фута. Когда она спускалась со скоростью 17 000 миль в час в направлении Земли, Гагарин испытывал перегрузку в 10g и чувствовал себя 1500-фунтовым кирпичом, который падает с неба.

После полета, который длился 1 час 48 минут, Гагарин благополучно приземлился в Сибири.

Через несколько лет Гагарин трагически погиб во время испытания самолета.
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