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\Перевести предложения с использованием конструкции "I wish". Перевод из браузерных переводчиков не подходит.
\1. Жаль, что вы пришли так поздно. 2. Обидно, что мы ушли до его прихода.
3. К сожалению, они еще ничего не знают. 4. К сожалению, они уже знают об этом.
5. Жаль, что он такой легкомысленный. 6. Жаль, что он не очень серьезен. 7. Я теперь
жалею, что не послушал его совета. 8. Мне бы хотелось посмотреть этот фильм еще
раз. 9. Я бы хотел, чтобы вы все-таки прочли эту книгу. 10. Жаль, что вы не пришли
пораньше. 11. Мне бы хотелось, чтобы вы еще раз обдумали мое предложение.
12. Обидно, что мы не дождались его прихода. 13. Жаль, что мы так и не встретились
перед отъездом. 14. Я теперь жалею, что последовал его совету. 15. Лучше бы ты не
был так упрям и послушал нас. 16. Он что пришел и привел с собой друга. 17.
На твоем месте я бы не стал делать этого. 18. Если бы он пришел вовремя, этого
могло и не случиться. 19. Если бы не ты, я не знаю, что бы я тогда сделал. 20. Если бы
ты не был так занят, мы могли бы пойти куда-нибудь пообедать

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04.01.2021 20:10

It's a shame you came so late. 2. It's a shame that we left before his arrival.

It's a shame you came so late. 2. It's a shame that we left before his arrival. 3. Unfortunately, they don't know anything yet. 4. Unfortunately, they already know about it.

It's a shame you came so late. 2. It's a shame that we left before his arrival. 3. Unfortunately, they don't know anything yet. 4. Unfortunately, they already know about it. 5. It is a pity that he is so frivolous. 6. It is a pity that he is not very serious. 7. I am now

It's a shame you came so late. 2. It's a shame that we left before his arrival. 3. Unfortunately, they don't know anything yet. 4. Unfortunately, they already know about it. 5. It is a pity that he is so frivolous. 6. It is a pity that he is not very serious. 7. I am now I wish I took his advice. 8. I would like to see this movie more

It's a shame you came so late. 2. It's a shame that we left before his arrival. 3. Unfortunately, they don't know anything yet. 4. Unfortunately, they already know about it. 5. It is a pity that he is so frivolous. 6. It is a pity that he is not very serious. 7. I am now I wish I took his advice. 8. I would like to see this movie more time. 9. I would like you to read this book after all. 10. It's a shame you didn't come

It's a shame you came so late. 2. It's a shame that we left before his arrival. 3. Unfortunately, they don't know anything yet. 4. Unfortunately, they already know about it. 5. It is a pity that he is so frivolous. 6. It is a pity that he is not very serious. 7. I am now I wish I took his advice. 8. I would like to see this movie more time. 9. I would like you to read this book after all. 10. It's a shame you didn't come early. 11. I would like you to consider my proposal again.

It's a shame you came so late. 2. It's a shame that we left before his arrival. 3. Unfortunately, they don't know anything yet. 4. Unfortunately, they already know about it. 5. It is a pity that he is so frivolous. 6. It is a pity that he is not very serious. 7. I am now I wish I took his advice. 8. I would like to see this movie more time. 9. I would like you to read this book after all. 10. It's a shame you didn't come early. 11. I would like you to consider my proposal again. 12. It's a shame that we did not wait for his arrival. 13. It is a pity that we never met

It's a shame you came so late. 2. It's a shame that we left before his arrival. 3. Unfortunately, they don't know anything yet. 4. Unfortunately, they already know about it. 5. It is a pity that he is so frivolous. 6. It is a pity that he is not very serious. 7. I am now I wish I took his advice. 8. I would like to see this movie more time. 9. I would like you to read this book after all. 10. It's a shame you didn't come early. 11. I would like you to consider my proposal again. 12. It's a shame that we did not wait for his arrival. 13. It is a pity that we never met before leaving. 14. I now regret following his advice. 15. You'd better not

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04.01.2021 20:10

1. I wish you came earlier

2. I wish we came before he left

3. I wish they knew something

4. I wish they didn’t know that

5. I wish he wasn’t that disconcerted

6. I wish he was serious

7. Now I wish I took your advice

8. I wish I watched this film one more time

9. I wish you read this book

10. I wish you came earlier

11. I wish you rethink about my offer

12. I wish we waited his coming

13. I wish we met before his leaving

14. Now I wish I didn’t take his advice

15. I wish you weren’t that stubborn and listened to us

16. He wishes he didn’t come and take his friend

17. If I were you, I wouldn’t do that

18. If he came earlier, it wouldn’t have happened

19. If I don’t have you, I wouldn’t know what to do

20. If you weren’t that busy, we could have lunch somewhere


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