Переведите следующие предложении внимание на формы с суффиксом -ing 1. having used improved cultural practices, the farmer obtained higher yield of wheat per hectare. 2. most farms growing potatoes use potato harvesting machines. 3. harvesting small grains with combines is widely used throughout the world. 4. harvesting small grains with combines’, man obtains more grain per hectare. 5. cultivating the soil used for row crops one can control weeds and provide favourable conditions for plant growth. 6. being raised under favourable environmental conditions the plants grow and flower well and produce much seed. 7. the yield of sugar beet was high due to the farmers’ having controlled weeds during the growing season. 8. having been applied at the due time, fertilizers increased the fertility of the soil. 9. the planting of warm- season crops should be done into warm soil.