Пересказ текста jack and the beanstalk без прямой речи: once there was a boy called jack who lived with his mother. they were so poor that she said tohim one day, "we'll have to sell our cow- it's the only way." so jack took the cow to market. on the way, jack met a stranger. "i'll give you five beans for thatcow," she said. "they're magic beans…" "done! " said jack. but when he got back… "five beans for our cow? " cried his mother. and she threw them out of the window. all through thenight, a beanstalk grew…and grew… till it right out of sight. before his mother could say a word, jack climbed…and climbed…and he didn't stop till he reached…the top. there jack saw a giantcastle. he knock- knock- knocked, and a giantess opened the door. inside, jack could hear a thumping and a banging and a stamping and a crashing! "quick," said the giantess. "hide! " my husband is hungry! " "fee, fi, fo, fum! watch out everyone, here i come! " roared the giant. the giant sat down for his supper. he ate a hundred boiled potatoes, and a hundred chocolatebiscuits. and then, feeling a bit happier, he got out his gold. the giant started counting his coins, but soon…he was snoozing. jack snatched the gold and raceddown the beanstalk.