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the girl in grey comes to that quiet corner of the small park every day. her simple dress fits her perfectly. the girl is slim and very beautiful.
the young man also comes to that park every day. he is eager1 to get acquainted with the girl but he doesn’t know how to introduce himself.
the girl is sitting on a bench reading a book. suddenly she drops the book. the man picks it up and returns the book to the girl.
the girl is looking at him, at his ordinary coat and his common face. he is embarrassed2.
“do you know that you are the most attractive girl i’ve ever seen? ” he says. but the girl interrupts him. “whoever you are,” she says in an icy tone, “you
must remember that i am a lady.”
“i beg your pardon,” pleads the young man, “it is my fault.”
“stop excusing3, if you please. let’s better speak about these people who are passing by. where are they going? why are they hurrying so? are they happy? ” “it is interesting to watch them,” he replies. “it is the wonderful drama of life. some are going to supper and some to – er – other places. i want to
know their histories.”
“i do not,” says the girl; “i am not so inquisitive. i come here because it’s the only place4 where i can be among simple people. i am very rich, i am tired of money. i am sick of pleasure, of parties, of travel, of society.”
the young man looks at her with interest and astonishment. “as to me, i always had an idea that money must be5 a very good thing,” he says.
“not when you are very rich,” returns the girl in grey. she is smiling. “you don’t seem to be a rich man. it is such a comfort to speak with a man unspoiled by money6. by the way7, what is your profession? ” she asks.
the young man hesitates for a moment. “i am a cashier in ” – he looks at the brilliant electric sign “restaurant” across the street – “i am a cashier in that restaurant you see there.”
the girl looks at her watch and rises hurriedly. “why aren’t you working then? ” she asks.
“i am on the night turn today8,” says the young man; “it is yet an hour before my work begins. may i hope to see you again? ”

“i do not know. perhaps. but now i must go quickly. there is a dinner, and a box9 at the play – and, oh! i am so tired of all these things. perhaps you noticed the white automobile, which is waiting for me at the entrance. i always come in that.”
“may i accompany you to the auto? it is dark now,” says the young man. “if you respect my wishes,” says the girl firmly, “you will remain here while i am
going to my auto. i don’t want my driver pierre to see you.” and she goes away. the young man looks at her elegant figure and then goes after her. the girl is passing the white auto and quickly enters the restaurant with the brilliant
electric sign. she takes the cashier’s place. the young man smiles and walks slowly back. he gets in the white automobile and says two words to the driver:
“club, henry.”

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23.01.2023 23:05

Past Perfect

We had played before she came back. Мы играли, прежде чем она вернулась.

3 She had finished the letter before I found my phone. Она закончила письмо, прежде чем я нашел свой телефон.

4 I had told her the story by the time my parents called. Я рассказал ей историю, к тому времени как мои родители позвонили.

5 The book had been written by 1890. Книга была написана к 1890

Past peefect continious

1.She had been running for two hours before she saw a village. – Она бежала два часа, пока не увидела какое-то село.

2.John had been speaking all morning, so he lost his voice. Джон разговаривал всё утро, так что потерял голос.

3.They had been sitting here since last evening before they bought the tickets. Они сидели здесь с вечера, пока не купили билеты.

4.She hadn’t been driving a car for an hour before she came to the gas station.Она не вела машину час, до того как приехала на заправку.


We had not been searching for a room for two hours before we found a free one.

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23.01.2023 23:05

2) The sun rises in the east. солнце встает на востоке.

5) I go to the University every day. я хожу в университет каждый день.

1) are being built.

2)were made.


4)are made

5) am praised

1) Сейчас в городе строится много новых домов.

2) Все наблюдения проводились группой известных ученых.

3) Нас попросили приехать как можно скорее.

4) Многие эксперименты проводятся в лаборатории.

5) Меня всегда хвалят дома.

the first.

two hundred thirty five.

the twenty fourth.

two thousand five hundred sixteen.

five thousand twenty two.

У меня меньше времени, чем у него.

2) Джек самый младший в семье.

3) Московский метрополитен - самый красивый в России.

4) Эта работа легче той.

5) Его дедушка старше бабушки.

Morgan - уникальный автомобиль: он сделан в Британии на семейной компании и изготовлен вручную.

Каждый Морган изготавливается индивидуально. Современные материалы и современные технологии производства сочетаются со столетним опытом. Сборочных линий нет, потому что каждый этап изготовления выполняется высококвалифицированными мастерами. Например, деревянный каркас изготавливается так же, как и первый Morgan в 1909 году, обивщики делают кожаные сиденья, а мастера по обработке листового металла изготавливают панели вручную.

В отличие от всех этих традиционных навыков инженеры Morgan создают прецизионные механические компоненты с использованием современного оборудования с числовым программным управлением (ЧПУ), поэтому водитель Morgan имеет современный двигатель в автомобиле традиционного производства.

На изготовление машины своими руками уходит много времени. Завод Morgan выпускает около 500 автомобилей в год. Покупатели вносят свое имя в список ожидания и ждут, пока завод сообщит им, что их машина закончена. Самый короткий срок ожидания составляет около двух лет, а иногда и до пяти лет. Как и гордые будущие родители, люди, стоящие в очереди, могут посетить завод, чтобы увидеть, как производится их машина, и поговорить с мастерами, выполняющими эту работу.

is made, is made,are combined,are no assembly lines,is done,is made,make,make,make,has,takes,tomake,produces,put,wait,wait,can visit,to see,made,to talk.

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