Перепишите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на употребление времён группы Indefinite (Present, Past, Future) в страдательном залоге. Подчеркните сказуемые и укажите их видовременные формы. 1. Paris became closer to Londoners than Glasgow because the Channel Tunnel was opened for traffic in 1992. 2. Box cars are used for the transportation of goods, which require protection against rain. 3. The switch is the mechanism, which is used to move the trains from one track to another. 4. The first passenger cars were lighted by candles; later candles were replaced by oil and gas lamps. Nowadays electricity is used for lighting and heating the passenger carriages. 5. After the reconstruction of the railway, the speed of trains will be increased and the carrying capacity of the line will be raised.
1. i am glad to work with you.
2. ann seems is discussing a very important problem now.
3. he seemed not to understand what i told him.
4. she hates to wear a suit.
5. we wanted are recognized by them at once.
1. стоящая у окна девушка-моя сестра
2.вопрос,обсуждаемый сейчас, важен
3.он не любит вареное молоко
4.он вернулся домой после двухмесячного путешествия по европе
5.письмо,написанное им, было длинным
1. reading is useful.
2. children like being read by adults.
3. please, begin reading the text.
4. i remember having read the letter recently.
5. when we came home his son was busy having read a book.
6. we get much information by reading.
industrial action-промышленная деятельность
danger bonus- премия за риск
enhanced pension-повышенные пенсионные льготы
to satisfy the demands-удовлетворить требования
toll-booth-городская тюрьма
to promote the demands-выдвигать требования
to be brought- быть принесенным
into line with-сопоставить с чем-либо
to carry out duties-исполнять обязанности
work to rule-работать чтобы править