Перелишите предложения и переведите их на русский язык В каждом предложении подчерк ните инфинитив и укажите его синтаксическую функцию (подлежащее. часть именного
сказуемого, дополнение. определение. обстоятельство].
1. The aim of using several locomotives in one train is to carry heavyweight loads.
2. To avoid damage to goods and prevent them from pilferage. railways use
metal containers of 3. 5, 20 tons.
3. It is impossible to move at the same speed along the whole route as it has
some curves and grades.
4. The wooden sleepers to be laid down on the track must be treated with creosote.
5. Rail freight operators are planning to invest €4-7 million per year in new
rolling stock in the next five years.
1. Saint Basil's Cathedral (from RUB 3 271)
St. Basil Cathedral
Source: Wikimedia Commons
This former church is a symbol of the city and a stunning sight to behold. The building consists of nine chapels, which are peaked with the onion-shaped, colorfully painted domes on the roof. A smaller, 10th chapel holds the crypt of the church’s namesake, Vasily (Basil) the Blessed. What makes St. Basil so unique is the architecture that looks so unusual that legend has it that the buildings were blindfolded during its construction in the 1550’s so that they couldn’t recreate anything else like it. The interiors of the chapels are covered with colorful paintings and ornate decorations that are a must-see.