Перекладіть подані речення ійською мовою. прокоментуйте всі граматичні явища, які ви зустріли в реченнях. 1) мені відкрити двері? 2) мені довелося прочитати велику кількість книжок, коли я готувався до доповіді. 3) тобі слід піти туди: вони тебе чекають. 4) ви повинні перекласти цей текст. 5) ви б багато знали, якби регулярно читали цей журнал. 6) якби я знав ійську мову, я б читав шекспіра в оригіналі. 7) якщо ти одягнеш свої окуляри, ти будеш краще бачити. 8) я не можу сказати тобі правду.
метод осмотра - methods of examination
опрос - questioning
анамнез - past history
брать - to take
семейный анамнез - family history
телосложение - build
хруст - crepitations
крепитирующие хрипы - rales in the lungs
притупленность - dullness
необходимо - necessary
установить - to determine
выяснить - to detect
образец - specimen
мазок - smear
цвет лица - complexion
записывать - to record
1.What are the usual methods of examination? The usual methods of examination which doctors use in their practice, are: inquiry, inspection, auscultation, palpation, percussion, taking the temperature, feeling the pulse, taking the blood pressure, making X-ray examinations and various laboratory studies.
2.What does inquiry reveal? The usual methods of examination
3.What does inspection reveal? Inspection is the method by which doctor reveals the appearance of the
patient, his build, nourishment, complexion, the state of his skin, mucous
membranes, tongue, pupils, etc.
4.What can be determined by palpation, auscultation and percussion? By palpation the doctor determines elasticity or rigidity of the abdomen, the outlines or the enlargement of the organ, swelling, edema and existence of growth.
5.How do the doctors take the patient’s temperature, measure blood pressure? The blood pressure is measured by means of monometer to find out whether the patient is suffering from hypertension or hypotension.The temperature is taken by means of thermometer to ascertain whether the
patient has or has no temperature.
6.What is the patient’s normal pulse? The normal rate is 65-70 beats per minute.
1. How long is the journey?-c) Three and half hours.
2. How far is the station?-e) It's a ten-minute walk from here.
3. What is the best way to get to Cardiff?-a) Probably by train.
4. Excuse me, is this platform 2?-j) No, you want the next one over there.
5. What time does it arrive in Glasgow?-b) Just after 10.00
6. Is the flight direct?-i)No, you have to change in Helsinki.
7. Do I need to change?-h)No, it's direct.
8. Could you stop here, please?-d) Yes, of course.
9. How often do the buses go to the city centre?-f)Every fifteen minutes or so.
10. How much is a return to Leeds?-g) It's 16 pounds