ответ на это письмо на языке ! : я ненавижу рекламу, она везде! а тебе нравится реклама? ты находишь ее полезной? где можно найти рекламу в твоем городе? кстати, приближается рождество. майк."
I hate advertising, it is everywhere! Do you like advertising? Do you find it useful? Where can I find ads in your town?By the way, Christmas is coming. Mike." 1.I do not like advertising 2.I do not like ads 3.Any advertising useful, and there are not interesting or useful 4.In my city, advertisements can be found on every stand that hangs on the front door into the entrance
1.I do not like advertising
2.I do not like ads
3.Any advertising useful, and there are not interesting or useful
4.In my city, advertisements can be found on every stand that hangs on the front door into the entrance