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21.01.2020 01:02 •  Английский язык

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1)Social networking sites make people spend more time online and less time communicating face-to-face. The sites have many time-wasting activities. You stay online longer than you planned and do nothing serious or important. Experts say that teenagers spend about nine hours every week on social networking sites. *
1 What kind of communication problems can one face in real life?
2 What are different opinions about social networks?
3 Why do some people call social networking sites “time eaters”?
4 What are the hidden dangers?
5 What kind of new communication opportunities are provided by social networks?
6 What are the new prospects in education?
7 What is a fact about worrying time statistics?
2)Psychologists say that social networking sites can have serious disadvantages. It is hard for children to have real conversations and make friends. They become selfish personalities and lose interest in real life. Parents spend less time with their children and all members of the family spend less time with each other because they are using the Internet instead of communicating in person. *
1 What kind of communication problems can one face in real life?
2 What are different opinions about social networks?
3 Why do some people call social networking sites “time eaters”?
4 What are the hidden dangers?
5 What kind of new communication opportunities are provided by social networks?
6 What are the new prospects in education?
7 What is a fact about worrying time statistics?
3) The popularity of social networking sites such as Vkontakte, Facebook, MySpace, and Classmates has risen more than four times from 2005 to 2009. Many users say these sites are good for our society, but others are sure that there are more dangers in them than benefits. Your attitude to such websites depends on your age, job, interests and way of life. *
1 What kind of communication problems can one face in real life?
2 What are different opinions about social networks?
3 Why do some people call social networking sites “time eaters”?
4 What are the hidden dangers?
5 What kind of new communication opportunities are provided by social networks?
6 What are the new prospects in education?
7 What is a fact about worrying time statistics?
4)Internet users spend most of their time on social networks and blogs. Users in the USA spend about five and a half hours every month on their favourite site. And the number is growing. Russians spend 6.6 hours monthly on social networking sites. It is more than people in any other country. For example, in Europe it is 3.7 hours a month. *
1 What kind of communication problems can one face in real life?
2 What are different opinions about social networks?
3 Why do some people call social networking sites “time eaters”?
4 What are the hidden dangers?
5 What kind of new communication opportunities are provided by social networks?
6 What are the new prospects in education?
7 What is a fact about worrying time statistics?
5)Social networks promote communication with friends and family, they give people necessary and useful computer skills and teach them to express their ideas in a clear way. Another thing is that the sites let people create new relationships and reconnect with old friends. In every way, more communication, even online, makes connections stronger. *
1 What kind of communication problems can one face in real life?
2 What are different opinions about social networks?
3 Why do some people call social networking sites “time eaters”?
4 What are the hidden dangers?
5 What kind of new communication opportunities are provided by social networks?
6 What are the new prospects in education?
7 What is a fact about worrying time statistics?
6)New research shows that social networking sites can be used in schools. Teachers should find ways to use them in class. It would help students to learn how to get information from Internet resources and share it with classmates. Students would also be able to express themselves creatively and present themselves better. *
1 What kind of communication problems can one face in real life?
2 What are different opinions about social networks?
3 Why do some people call social networking sites “time eaters”?
4 What are the hidden dangers?
5 What kind of new communication opportunities are provided by social networks?
6 What are the new prospects in education?
7 What is a fact about worrying time statistics?

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04.02.2021 06:44
Mutual understanding, relationship in a family considerably influence education of the child. The child tries to understand everything that occurs round him, peers and thoughtfully listens attentively to that mother and the father show him. From its attention that does not leave that parents would like to hide. Matter not only numerous quarrels and scandals in a family, and in that that parents do not create the warm atmosphere in the house which is so important to the child, or that parents do not give time, necessary for the child's education.The bad situation filled with quarrels causes damage to psychological health of the child and does it aggressive and disobedient. If parents abuse alcohol, swear and quarrel, it is easy to predict influence of such adverse environment on the child.Often parents start shifting all the fault to influence of the street, school, on unsuccessful children who surround them, on heredity and so on. But if it is good to look narrowly at this family, everything will become clear at once: problems which arise in differences of behavior of the child is his conscious reaction to the existing disagreements between spouses, on their misunderstanding.Families without the conflicts practically do not exist, in each family it is rare, but arise misunderstanding and disagreement. It is natural. Nevertheless, you should not leave them without decision as subsequently they can cause a significant damage as to children, and spouses.The family is the one big house where there are loving mother and the father. The bad behavior of the child, as a rule, is a consequence of violation of its emotional state. The best prevention is to try not to quarrel.

Взаимопонимание, взаимоотношения в семье значительно влияют на воспитание ребенка. Ребенок старается понять все то, что происходит вокруг него, вглядывается и вдумчиво вслушивается в то, что мама и папа демонстрируют ему. От его внимания не уходит то что родители хотели бы скрыть. Дело не только многочисленныx ссорах и скандалах в семье, а в том что родители не создают теплую атмосферу в доме, которая так важна ребенку, или в том, что родители не уделяют необходимого для ребенка времени на воспитание.Плохая обстановка, наполненная ссорами, наносит ущерб психологическому здоровью ребенка и делает его агрессивным и непослушным. Если родители злоупотребляют алкоголем, ругаются и ссорятся, то влияние такой неблагоприятной среды на ребенка нетрудно предсказать.Часто родители начинают перекладывать всю свою вину на влияние улицы, школы, на неблагополучных детей, которые окружают их, на наследственность и так далее. Но если хорошо присмотреться к данной семье, то все станет сразу понятно: проблемы, которые возникают в перепадах поведения ребенка – это его осознанная реакция на существующие разногласия между супругами, на их недопонимание.Семей без конфликтов практически не существует, в каждой семье редко, но возникают недопонимания и разногласия. Это естественно. Тем не менее, не стоит оставлять их без решения, так как впоследствии они могут нанести значительный ущерб как детям, так и самим супругам.Семья – это один большой дом, где есть любящие мама и папа. Плохое поведение ребенка, как правило, является следствием нарушения его эмоционального состояния. Самая лучшая профилактика – это стараться не ссориться.
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03.01.2023 00:19
Ветер потряс дом, Дом был потрясен(это пассив войс, мы так не говорим по русски, если честно).

Мы взяли все, что мы могли взять. Не все было взято.
Мы потеряли наших домашних животных. ,И в этот день они не были найдены.
Ветер сломал(скорее снес/сдул, но break down - сломать) наш дом, Он был брошен на землю (имеется ввиду что он упал на землю)
Затем мы построили новый дом,Он был построен слишком быстро, чтобы говорить об этом. (не понимаю зачем тут чтобы говорить)
Мы сделали работу вместе,она была сделана очень хорошо.
Мы пригласили всех наших друзей,Наши друзья были приглашены.
Все они пришли с подарками,Мы были счастливы и рады.
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