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Оставляю 98 .
exercise 1.

complete the text about figures with the following words: crisis, forecast, sales, fraction, make up, increase, national.


as you know, our figures this year are very low. our sales in europe fell by 13 percent in the last quarter, which is the biggest percentage fall ever.

our sales are only $1.34 billion, to be exact. the recent financial was very bad.
first, we lost a huge of our business - approximately 1/6 of our asian clients.
second, our currency lost value; the euro is now stronger than the dollar.

fortunately, the experts some good figures. they estimate a 3 % in sales by the end of next year. still, we’ll need to double that in order to for what we lost last year.


read through the whole text quickly to get the general idea, before trying to find the missing words. сначала прочитайте текст полностью, чтобы понять общую идею. не пытайтесь сразу заполнить пропуски.

after reading the text, complete the gaps, looking carefully at the context of the sentence and the paragraph to help you. после прочтения текста заполните пропуски. обращайте внимание на контекст предложения и параграфа в целом.

in order to find the correct word, use your knowledge of grammar to understand what part of speech you need to use (noun, adjective, adverb…). используйте свои знания грамматики, чтобы понять, какую часть речи вам нужно использовать (существительное, прилагательное, наречие…).

once you have completed the gaps, read the text through again carefully and check that your answers accurately reflect the general meaning of the text. после того, как вы заполните пропуски прочитайте текст еще раз и убедитесь, что ваши ответы не противоречат общему смыслу текста.

if you rewrite the whole text, remember to underline or highlight the word you have inserted.

если вы переписываете или печатает текст полностью, не забудьте выделить слово, которое вы вставили.

decide whether these statements are true (t) or false (f):
they lost all asian clients. (t/f)
the experts forecast good figures. (t/f)
they need to buy new products. (t/f)


read the statements through and underline the key words. прочитайте утверждения и подчеркните ключевые слова.

then read the text and find the phrases where the same ideas are presented. затем прочитайте текст и найдите фразы, в которых содержатся похожие по смыслу идеи.

compare the phrases you have found with the task statements and decide whether they are true or false. the underlined key words will help you. сравните найденные фразы с утверждениями и решите, верны они или нет. вам подчеркнутые ключевые слова.

for this task you can get 20 points. 3 points for each correct filling of the gap and 2 points for choosing the right true-false option. за данное вы можете получить 20 , по 2 за каждое верно вставленное слово или правильный ответ на вопрос «верно-неверно».

good luck! удачи!

exercise 2 (23 )

read the questions about pocket money and answer them. record your answer (audio or video). speak at least for 1 minute. support your answer with examples. make full sentences.

what do today’s teenagers usually spend their pocket money on?
where can teenagers get extra money from? give at least 3 ideas.
do you think that teenagers responsible enough with their money? why / why not?


to get a higher mark try to use the active vocabulary of the previous lessons and try to extend your answers by adding some details. чтобы получить высокую оценку, старайтесь использовать активную лексику предыдущих уроков, также постарайтесь расширить ваши ответы путем добавления деталей.

speak clearly so that the teacher can hear and understand you. говорите четко, чтобы учитель мог понять вашу речь.

try not to make long pauses. старайтесь говорить без долгих пауз.

for this task you can get 23 points. 13 points for vocabulary and pronunciation and 10 points for grammar and accuracy. за данное вы можете получить 23 . 13 за использование активной лексики и произношение и 10 за грамматику и точность в использовании конструкций.

good luck! удачи!

Показать ответ
19.07.2020 12:47
1.That picture was taken in the park__where__I used to play.
2.I remember the day__when__we first met.
3.There was a very hot summer the year__when__he was born.
4.Tell me (the reason)__why__you came home late.
5.Do you want to know(the reason)___why__he is angry with Sally?
6.This is the new car__which\that__I bought yesterday.
7.The ring__which\that__he bought for her is beautiful.
8.The book__which\that__you see on the table cost me twenty pounds.
9.The school,__where__I studied,is in the centre of the city.
10.The textbooks,__which\that__the students like,have lots of helpful examples.
11.John,__who__plays football,is always busy at weekends.
12.Do you know the man__who__talked to me?
13.The peaches__which\that__are lying on the table are tasty.
14.We will stay at a hotel__which\that__is next to the beach.
15.That is the film__which\that__is very exciting.
0,0(0 оценок)
04.03.2022 08:18
1. The laboratory assistant doesn’t always fix the devices himself. 2. They don’t work in an industrial enterprise. 3. They don’t speak English fluently. 4. They don’t often make a lot of experiments. 5. The students don’t begin their studies in October. 6. We don’t change the temperature of gas in our experiment. 7. They don’t often stay at work after 6 o’clock. 8. I don’t always discuss different problems with my colleagues. 9. I don’t spend my holiday in the seaside. 10. The students of our Institute don’t often go to the industrial exhibitions. 11. The engineers don’t examine devices. 12. You don’t attend all the lectures. 13. He doesn’t always attend practical classes. 14. She doesn’t want to work in an oil company. 15. It doesn’t often rain in this part of Russia. 16. He doesn’t like to read scientific articles. 17. He doesn’t often take part in scientific conferences. 18. The students of our University don’t do researches in the field of mathematics. 19. The Professor of our University doesn’t deliver interesting lectures to the students. 20. They don’t like to publish articles in foreign scientific journals.

1. Does the laboratory assistant always fix the devices himself?2. Do they work in an industrial enterprise? 3. Do they speak English fluently? 4. Do they often make a lot of experiments?. 5. Do the students begin their studies in October?
6. Do we change the temperature of gas in our experiment?7. Do they often stay at work after 6 o’clock?8. Do you always discuss different problems with your colleagues? 9. Do you spend your holiday in the seaside? 10. Do the students of our Institute often go to the industrial exhibitions?11. Do the engineers examine devices?12. Do you attend all the lectures?13. Does he always attend practical classes?14.Does she want to work in an oil company? 15. Does it often rain in this part of Russia?16. Does he like to read scientific articles?17. Does he often take part in scientific conferences?18. Do the students of our University do researches in the field of mathematics? 19. Does the Professor of our University deliver interesting lectures to the students?20. Do they like to publish articles in foreign scientific journals?
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