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Определите, какие из приведенных ниже утверждений (1-6) соответствуют содержанию текста (True), какие не соответствуют (False) и о чем в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (Not stated). Обведите номер выбранного вами варианта ответа. Tasmania

Can you find Tasmania on the map? Many people take it for Tanzania in Africa. In fact, Tasmania is an island state in Australia. To the south of Tasmania is only Antarctica.

For thousands of years the native Aborigines lived on the island. In the early nineteenth century the British came there, 70,000 people took a lot of Aboriginal land and built their own towns and villages. Thousands of Aborigines died from diseases that appeared on the island and from fighting with the British.

Tasmania today is a wonderful place to visit. It is different from any other place on the Earth. There are a lot of high mountains, green forests and beautiful beaches there. It has Australia’s deepest lake, some unusual fish and the oldest theatre. Tasmania has 12 kinds of birds which live only here. You can often see dolphins in Tasmania waters.

Many Tasmanians think that Tasmania is the best place on the Earth because it has the cleanest air and water in the world. Tasmania is proud to have the world’s tallest flowering plant and the oldest trees on the planet.

Tasmania is the home of the Tasmanian devil. It got its name because it is black and makes a very loud noise when it fights for a meal. It lives alone and fights at nights. Like kangaroos, Tasmanian devils have a pouch on their front for their babies. The baby Tasmanian devils leave their mother’s pouch when they get older. The capital of Tasmania is Hobart which was founded in 1804 as a colony. Hobart is Australia’s second oldest capital city after Sydney. Now Hobart is the home port for a lot of Antarctic programmes. Tourists come to Hobart to see its places of interest.

The best way to see Tasmania is by car or on foot. If you walk across the island, you will see Tasmanian devils, echidnas and other unusual animals and plants. You can also see whole island and its national parks if you go down the world-famous Gordon River.

1. Many people don’t really know where Tasmania is.

a) True b) False c) Not stated

2. Nobody lived in Tasmania before the British arrived there in the nineteenth century.

a) True b) False c) Not stated

3. Tasmania’s forests have the oldest trees in the world.

a) True b) False c) Not stated

4. Baby Tasmania’s devils spend about 4 months in their mother’s pouch.

a) True b) False c) Not state

5. Hobart is older than Sydney.

a) True b) False c) Not stated

6. Walking is the only way to see Tasmania’s nature

Задание 3. Лексика

Закончите предложения подходящими по смыслу словами. Обведите выбранный вами ответ (a, b, или c).

1. The Great Barrier Reef one of the most unusual places to visit in Australia.

a) Maybe b) may be c) may

2. Could I speak to Sarah? – Oh, sorry. She has to the airport.

a) Been b) gone c) taken

3. Bob swimming when he went to university.

a) Gave up b) gave out c) made up

4. I have seen a very interesting programme about unusual animals in Australia.

a) Just now b) just c) this morning

5. I know that have a lot of interesting traditions.

a) Japanese b) Japan c) the Japanese

6. William has no friends. He often feels .

a) Lovely b) alone c) lonely

7. Linda got a five in maths yesterday. We were surprised the news.

a) At b) with c) of

Задание 4. Грамматика

Прочитайте приведенные ниже предложения. Преобразуйте слова в скобках так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию предложений. Заполните пропуски полученными словами.

1. The USA (border) on Canada in the north.

2. How many times you (be) to St Petersburg?

3. It’s the first time he (see) a koala in the zoo.

4. When the British (come) to Australia?

5. Last year we (spend) Christmas Day on the beach in Australia.

6. When you (go) to Sydney, you will be able to see the unusual building of the Opera House.

7. Last year they (make) a really pleasant journey to Brighton.​

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21.06.2021 01:06
Water the flowers! I have already ( just) watered the flowers! Cut the bread please. I have already ( just) cut the bread.  Ann, lay the table for breakfast. I have already ( just) laid the table for breakfast. These boys are playing football. Those boys have already ( just) played football. I am drinking tea. Granny has already ( just) drunk tea. Bobby is drawing animals. Nelly has already ( just) drawn animals. Mary, dust the furniture, please. I have already ( just) dusted the furniture. Do your home task, Alice. I have already ( just) done it. Marry is cleaning the room. Lizzy has already ( just) cleaned the room. My sister is looking through the newspaper. My father has already ( just) looked through the newspaper. They are having dinner. We have already ( just) had dinner. Father, give Fred the magazine, please. I have just given him the magazine.
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10.12.2022 02:59

Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin was born on June 6, 1799 in Moscow.

He was a Russian poet, short-story writer, novelist, and dramatist commonly considered as Russia’s greatest poet and the founder of modern Russian literature. Born into an aristocratic family, Pushkin attended school at the prestigious Imperial Lyceum at Tsarskoye Selo from 1811-1817.

Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev was born on 8 February 1834 near Tobolsk. He was a Russian inventor and chemist. The most famous invention of Mendeleev is periodic table of elements.

Mendeleev’s parents were Maria Mendeleeva (nee Kornilieva) and Ivan Mendeleev. According to the different sources there were approximately seventeen children in their family. Mendeleev was the youngest child. His father worked as a teacher but he became blind and stopped working. As a result Maria Mendeleeva began to work and re-established the glass factory which belonged to her family. It is also known that Mendeleev’s grandfather was a priest of the Russian Orthodox Church. When Mendeleev was 13 he entered the Gymnasium in Tobolsk.

Mikhail Lomonosov is the father of the Russian sciences and outstanding poet the founder of Russian literature. Lomonosov was born in 1711 in Arhangelsk province. He liked to spend his time fishing with his father.

Early years

Born in New York City and brought up in Brooklyn. He was often arrested as a youth for petty crimes and eventually he was sent to Tryon School in upstate New York where he was taught to box by Bobby Stewart. Tyson proved to be a natural and his physical development (he weighed 200 lb at age 13 and was strong rather than fat) only aided his cause. Stewart knew the respected trainer Cus D'Amato "cus" for his friends and in 1980 D'Amato was introduced

like watching all international matches. There are several football players that I admire, but my favourite one is Lionel Messi. He is an Argentinean footballer, who currently plays for the Barcelona and Argentine national team.



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