Определите функцию слов, заканчивающихся на –еd: а) личную форму глагола в past simple; б) participle ii в функции части простого сказуемого, выраженного глаголом в страдательном залоге; в) participle ii в функции определения; г) participle ii в функции обстоятельства.перепишите и переведите предложения письменно на язык.1. the wireless industry turned its back on many potential customers.2. designed for special purposes integrated circuits have become the basis of microelectronics.3. the services offered by telecommunication firms are useful for customers.4. radio telegraph signals can be reproduced with the help of the telephone receiver.
1. I shall appreciate receiving an invitation from you. 2. Nick insisted on helping her with the report. 3. Mrs. Brown stopped going to her French classes. 4. They are thinking of buying a computer. 5. Do you mind waiting a few minutes in the hall? 6. My little brother enjoys listening to the radio. 7. You shouldn’t risk going out if you have a cold. 8. This job is not worth taking. 9. Sue will enjoy playing with Mrs. Green’s children. 9. He talked without stopping. 10. They have finished repairing our office at last. 11. Have you finished crying? 12. My hand-writing is very careless. 13. It looks like snowing. 14. He felt irritation at being disturbed.
2. Do people wear traditional Irish costumes or dress in green on St Patrick's Day parades ?
What do people wear on St Patrick's Day parades ?
When do people wear traditional Irish costumes or dress in green?
On St Patrick's Day parades people wear traditional Irish costumes or dress in green, don't they?
3. Do many families prepare their homes for Easter Sunday by doing "spring cleaning" ?
What do many families do for Easter Sunday?
How do many families prepare their homes for Easter Sunday?
Many families prepare their homes for Easter Sunday by doing "spring cleaning " to prepare the house for blessing by the local priest which is a religious ceremony that dates back hundreds of years, don't they?
4.Do Canadian culture reflect a heavy influence of British, American and Aboriginal culture and traditions?
What do Canadian culture reflect ?
Canadian culture reflects a heavy influence of British, American and Aboriginal culture and traditions, doesn't it?
5. Are church weddings the most traditional marriage celebrations in New Zealand?
Where are church weddings the most traditional marriage celebrations?
Church weddings are the most traditional marriage celebrations in New Zealand, aren't they?