Мою подругу зовут Настя. Мы с ней очень хорошо дружим. Она высокая, умная, красивая. У неё светлые и длинные волосы. У Насти зелёлые глаза. Она стройная и занимается танцами. У неё французкая внешность ведь она стройная и у неё нос чуть вздёрнут и она очень добрая. Ей (число) лет.
My friend's name is Nastya. We with her very good friends. She's tall, smart, beautiful. She has blond and long hair. Nastia seelye eyes. She is slim and dancing. She looks French because she was thin and her nose slightly upturned and she is very kind. She's (число) years.
My friend's name is Nastya. We with her very good friends. She's tall, smart, beautiful. She has blond and long hair. Nastia seelye eyes. She is slim and dancing. She looks French because she was thin and her nose slightly upturned and she is very kind. She's (число) years.