Online love тебя удалили и я неуспела записать, хелп( с переводом despite his abilities and iq level, several universities rejected him because they believed that at the age of ten he d be far too immature to integrate with his much older fellow students. some faculties were worried that they would be robbing him of his childhood years. he was asked to complete several iq tests and psychological tests of his personality traits. in the end, kyle was accepted by oxford university, where he has just completed a physics degree intelligence is not kyle s only natural gift, although his iq is too high to be measured accurately. he is certainly considered a genius, but his passion for science does not dominate his life. he goes kayaking, performs on the violin at concerts and is also a dedicated singer in a choir. he takes everything he does in his stride. if you look beyond his messy appearance, spiky hair and piercing eyes, and if you ignore the fact that he is often described by his friends as grumpy and irritable,you will see a witty and extremely rational young man who has just started research in nuclear physics at the age of fourteen