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очень Вправа 1. Доберіть відповідну форму дієслова

. 1. If I ….. English, I shouldn’t be able to enjoy Byron’s poetry. a) knew; b) didn’t know; c) hadn’t known; d) don `t know. 2. If you hadn’t wasted so much time, you ….. the train. a) didn’t miss; b) has missed; c) wouldn’t have missed; d) won `t miss. 3. Where will they go if the weather ….. fine ? a) is; b) will be; c) were; d) would be. 4. If he didn’t live in St. Petersburg, we ….. so often. a) met; b) wouldn’t have met; c) had met; d) shouldn’t meet. 5. You would have understood the rule if you ….. the teacher `s explanation. a) didn’t miss; b) won’t miss; c) don’t miss; d) hadn’t missed. 6. If the fisherman had been less patient, he ….. so much fish. a) caught; b) wouldn’t have caught; d) didn’t catch; d) will catch. 7. The child won `t be healthy if you ….. him much fruit. a) don’t give; b) gave; c) gives; d) wouldn’t give. 8. If I ….. him, I shall tell him about their letter. a) saw; b) see; c) shall see; d) should have seen. 9 If her alarm clock ….., she would have been on time for work this morning. a) rings; b) rang; c) had rung; d) should ring. 10. If you had been feeling well, you ….. in class yesterday. a) would have been; b) were; c) are; d) had been. 11. If you were on a hijacked plane, ….. you ….. the hijackers ? a) did***attack; b) will***attack; c) would***attack; d) had***attacked. 12. You will have to work hard if you ….. the lesson. a) had missed; b) would miss; c) didn’t miss; d) miss. 13. If I ….. a bird, I should be able to fly. a) were; b) was; c) am; d) shall be. 14. If he hadn’t been so careless, he …… into the strap. a) had fallen; b) didn’t fall; c) felt; d) wouldn’t have fallen.

Вправа 2. Доберіть відповідну форму дієслова.

1. She will walk home if it ….. cold. a) wasn’t; b) won` t be; c) isn’t; d) would be. 2. If I had more time, I …... more books. a) should read; b) shall read; c) read; d) had read. 3. If men …… no weapons, would wars be possible ? a) have; b) had; c) had had; d) would have. 4. You won `t understand the rule if you ….. to the teacher. a) didn’t listen; b) wouldn’t listen; c) don `t listen; d) won `t listen. 5. If he ….. the poem, he wouldn’t have got a bad mark. a) will learn; b) learnt; c) would learn; d) had learnt. 6. If she ….. older she would understand you better . a) was; b) were; c) is; d) had been. 7. If I could help you I readily …… so, but you know I can `t. a) did; b) had done; c) shall do; d) should do. 8. If I had known of your arrival I ….. you . a) should have met; b) would meet; c) will meet; d) met. 9. If she ….. me, I should have been in a very difficult situation. a) helps; b) helped; c) hadn’t helped; d) would help. 10. I should be delighted if I ….. such a beautiful fur coat. a) have; b) had; c) had had; d) shall have. 11. If you gave me your dictionary for a couple of days, I ….. this text. a) shall translate; b) translated; c) would have translated; d) should trans late. 12. If you ….. the 10.30 train, there is another at 10.35. a) miss; b) will miss; c) should miss; d) had missed. 13. If it …… very cold tonight, our car won `t start in the morning. a) will be; b) wouldn’t be; c) were; d) is. 14. I` m sure you could have done it without my help, if you ….. . It wasn’t difficult at all. a) try; b) tried; c) had tried; d) would have tried.

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28.08.2022 05:07

Это здорово-быть студентом. Многие колледжи и университеты предлагают большие возможности для учебы и общественной жизни.

Есть много причин, почему студенческая жизнь так увлекательна. Прежде всего, студенты узнают, что им нужно для будущей профессии. Они изучают предметы, которые им интересны.

Во-вторых, быть студентом-значит не только учиться. У вас достаточно времени для хобби и различных занятий.

В-третьих, студенческая общественная жизнь очень интересна. Вы встречаете много новых людей, даже из других стран.

Для многих студенческие годы - лучшие в жизни.

Пока вы учитесь, многое начинает меняться: ваши мысли, ваши идеи, люди, которые вас окружают. Ты перестаешь быть ребенком. Ты понимаешь, что вырос. Вы начинаете зарабатывать свои первые деньги. Многие студенты сегодня работают и учатся одновременно. В конце концов вы поймете, что это здорово иметь работу, которая вам нравится. Высшее образование может очень в получении работы вашей мечты в будущем.


It's great to be a student. Many colleges and universities offer great opportunities for study and social life. There are many reasons why student life is so exciting. First of all, students will learn what they need for their future profession. They study subjects that interest them. Second, being a student means more than just learning. You have enough time for Hobbies and various activities. Third, student social life is very interesting. You meet a lot of new people, even from other countries. For many, the student years are the best in life. As you learn, a lot of things start to change: your thoughts, your ideas, the people around you. You stop being a child. You know you've grown up. You start earning your first money. Many students today work and study at the same time. Eventually, you'll realize that it's great to have a job that you like. Higher education can be very helpful in getting your dream job in the future.

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09.09.2022 09:41

timetable Monday: 1. Russian language 2. Russian language 3. English 4. Mathematics 5. Physical education 6. History

Tuesday: 1.Math 2.Math 3.Physical culture 4 history 5.Russian language 6.Native literature

Wednesday: 1. Russian language 2. Literature 3.Technology 4 math 5 mathematics 6.English language

Thursday: 1. Social studies 2. Russian language 3. Literature 4. Research topic 5. Iso 6. Geography

Friday: 1. Biology 2. Native Russian language 3. English 4. Physical education 5. Mathematics 6. Music



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