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Нужны ответы на вопросы по тексту: 3. Answer the questions on the text:
1. What was the very first calculating device?
2. What is abacus? When did people begin to use them?
3. When did a lot of people try to find easy ways of calculating?
4. Who used Napier’s ideas to produce logarithm?
5. What was invented by Sir Isaac Newton and Leibnitz?
6. What did Charles Babbage design?
7. When was the first analog computer built? How did people use it?
8. Who built the first digital computer?
9. How did the first generation of computers work?
10. What are the differences between the first and the second computer generations?
11. When did the third-generation computers appear?

History of Computers

Let us take a look at the history of the computers that we know today. The very first calculating device used was the ten fingers of a man’s hands. This, in fact, is why today we count in tens and multiply of tens. Then the abacus was invented, a bead frame in which the beads are moved from left to right. People went on using some form of abacus well into the 16th century, it is being used in some parts of the world because it can be understood without knowing how to read.
During the 17th and 18th centuries many people tried to find easy ways of calculating. J. Napier, a Scotsman, devised a mechanical way of multiplying and dividing, which is how the modern slide rule works. Henry Briggs used Napier’s ideas to produce logarithm which all mathematicians used today.
Calculus, another branch of mathematics, was independently invented by both Sir Isaac Newton, an Englishman, and Leibnitz, a German mathematician. The first real calculating machine appeared in 1820 as the result of several people’s experiments. This type of machine, which saves a great deal of time and reduces the possibility of making mistakes, depends on a ten-toothed gear wheels.
In 1830 Charles Babbage, an Englishman, designed a machine that was called ‘The Analytical Engine’. This machine, which Babbage showed at the Paris Exhibition in 1855, was an attempt to cut out the human being altogether, expert for providing the machine with the necessary facts the problem to be sowed. He never finished this work, but many of his ideas were the basis for building today’s computers.
In 1930, the first analog computer was built by American named Vannevar Bush. The device was used in World War II to help aim guns. Mark I, the name given to the first digital computer, was completed in 1944. The men responsible for this invention were Professor Howard Aiken and some people from IBM. This was the first machine that could figure out long of mathematical problems all at a very fast speed.
In 1946 two engineers at the University of Pennsylvania, J. Eckert and J. Mayshly, built the first digital computer using parts called vacuum tubes. They named their new invention UNIAC. The first generation of computers, which used vacuum tubes, came out in 1950. UNIAC I was an example of these computers which could perform thousand of calculations per second.
In 1960, the second generation of computers was developed and could perform work ten times faster than their predecessors. The reason for this extra speed was the use of transistors instead of vacuum tubes. Second generation computers were smaller, faster and more dependable than first generation computers.
The third-generation computers appeared on the market in 1965. These computers could do a million calculations a second, which is 1000 times faster than the first generation computers. Unlike second-generation computers, these are controlled by tiny integrated circuits and are consequently smaller and more dependable.
Fourth-generation computers have now arrived, and the integrated circuits that are being developed have been greatly reduced in size. This is due to microminiturization, which means that the circuits are much smaller than before; as many as 1000 tiny circuits now fit onto a single chip. A chip is a square or rectangular piece of silicon, usually from 1/10 to ¼ inch, upon which several layers of an integrated circuit are attached or imprinted, after which the circuit is encapsulated in plastic metal. Fourth generation computers are 50 times faster than third-generation computers and can complete approximately 1.000.000 instructions per second.

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30.10.2022 06:19
Learning foreign languages is important nowadays. I think that any educated person must learn foreign languages. But I prefer English to other foreign languages. Why? English is becoming a global language. A half of billion people in the world use English at home or work. English is the language which is known for the most part of our fine, magnificent and surprising world. English is so widespread that it has become the standard language for all kinds of international communication.

A lot of problems of the 21st century, such as the problems of war and peace, ecology, can not be solved without speaking the same language.

The English language is now the first language of about 350 million people, the native language of 12 nations and the official language of more than 33 nations. It means that one of seven people in the world speaks English.

English is also the international language of businesspeople, pilots and air traffic controllers, sportsmen, scientists and students. If you want to be a stewardess, a pilot or an air control officer you have to learn English, the language of international communication. Every year thousands of people from Russia go to different countries as tourists or to work. They can’t go without knowing the language of the country they are going to. A modern engineer or even a worker cannot work with an imported instrument or a machine if he is not able to read the instruction how to do that.

Some people learn English because they need it in their work; others to travel aboard and for lots of people learning English is just a hobby.

I have been learning English since the age of 11. I like learning English very much. But I like and know well my native language, Russian. The great German poet Goethe once said: “He, who knows no foreign language, does not know his own one.” I agree with him. The knowledge of English helps me to learn Russian.

The knowledge of English is a great power. I need to know English. I must appreciate and embrace this knowledge as the key to achievement of my dream. I hope my progress in English will be very good.


Изучение иностранных языков важно в наши дни. Я думаю, что культурный и современный человек должен изучать иностранные языки. Но я предпочитаю английский язык. Почему? Английский становится глобальным языком. Половина миллиарда человек в мире используют английский дома или на работе. Английский – это язык, который известен всему нашему прекрасному, величественному и удивительному миру. Английский настолько распространен, что он стал стандартным языком всех видов международных общений.

Проблемы 21-го века, такие, как проблемы войны и мира, экологии, не могут быть решены, если не говорить на одном языке.

На английском языке говорят более 350 миллионов человек, он является родным языком 12 наций и официальным языком более чем 33 национальностей. Это означает, что каждый седьмой человек в мире говорит на английском языке.

Английский является также международным языком бизнесменов, пилотов и диспетчеров воздушного движения, спортсменов, ученых и студентов. Если ты хочешь стать стюардессой, летчиком или диспетчером авиалиний, ты должен выучить английский язык, язык международного общения. Каждый год тысячи людей из России идут в различные страны как туристы или работать. Они не могут идти, не зная языка страны, которую они собираются. Современный инженер или даже рабочий не может работать с импортированным инструментом или машиной, если он не в состоянии прочитать инструкцию, как это сделать.

Некоторые люди изучают английский язык, потому что они нужны им в работе, другие много путешествуют за границу,а для многих изучение английского языка любимое занятие.

Я начала изучать язык с 11 лет. Мне он очень нравится. Но я также люблю свой родной русский язык. Великий немецкий поэт Гёте однажды сказал: «Тот, кто не знает иностранного языка, не знает и своего собственного». Я согласна с ним, все познается в сравнении. Знание английского языка мне познавать русский язык.

Знание английского языка – это великая сила. Мне нужно знать английский язык. Я должна оценить и принять это знание, как ключ к достижению своей мечты. Я надеюсь, что мои успехи в английском будут хорошие.
0,0(0 оценок)
23.12.2021 08:54
1)Fill in the gaps in the text with the correct forms of the verbs. 
I ….. in Novgorod for three months and I'm enjoying life here very much.
в)have been
2)Fill in the gaps in the text with the correct forms of the verbs.
I've been working as a manager since I …. and I find It really interesting.
3)Fill in the gaps in the text with the correct forms of the verbs.
I'm living in a small Hotel at the moment, but I …. to a flat next week. I've asked a friend of mine to share it with me.
в)am moving 
4)Fill in the gaps in the text with the correct forms of the verbs. 
I'm learning Russian and l can already understand what people around me are talking about. "But I find it really difficult to speak Russian . I …. the course by the end of the year and hope I feel more confident with this language.
в)will have finished
5)Fill in the gaps in the text with the correct forms of the verbs.
You said you … to see me this Christmas.
г)were coming
6)Choose the right variant
When Mark arrived, the Johnsons … dinner, but stopped in order to talk to him.
а)were having
7)Choose the right variant
While Tom … a book, Marhta … TV.
в)was reading, was watching
8)Choose the right variant
The food that Ann is cooking in the kitchen … delicious.
9)Choose the right variant
We called our friends in London yesterday to tell them about the reunion that we ….
в)were planning 
10)Catherine is studying law at the university, and so …Nick.
11)I feel terrible. I think I … to be sick.
б)am going
12)My colleagues usually … four days a week, and tills week they … five days.
а)work, work 
13)It … outside; I do not like to walk in such weather.
б)is raining
14)I … a very difficult day tomorrow. I need to prepare for the exam.
а)will have 
15)At 10 o'clock in the morning on Wednesday Tom … a delegation in the office.
в)will be receiving
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