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03.12.2022 10:47 •  Английский язык

нужно вставить подходящие по смыслу слова. XL Fill youth. war, among peace, celebrate, anniversary, competition, sclentist.
Success, honour. progress in:
1. Oleg has many friends. the classmates. 2. The film was
a. 14, all the villagers saw it. 3. Ann is going to ... her birth-
day next Saturday 4. We all took part in swimming
5. On
April 23rd English people for the
the ... of Shakespeare's birth.
6. We have had two world in this century. 7. The peoples
of our country want to live in with other countries. 8. The
Russian take part in international festivals. 9. Newton
is a great English : ... 10. The Indian Government gave a
lunch in of the President. II. The teacher of English was
pleased with the of the pupils.​

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01.05.2020 07:35

The role of English in today's world

Wherever you were on earth - you probably always hear English speech. The urgency of selecting a topic due to the fact that English is popular throughout the world as a global language of the international community. Even today, English is a very special position, and turns into a lingua franca - lingua franca of all mankind.But half a century ago, English was just one of the international languages, along with others taken in many different languages spoken at the United Nations. As the Biblical legend, the construction of a grand tower of Babel has stopped due to lack of understanding between the people talking in different languages. It seems that today, humanity once again have a chance to find a common unified language in which the role for a large part of the world's population is already in English. More precisely, this is not English, and a simplified global English, as most of those who today enjoys a global English language, have never been to countries where English is the native language.
The object of study - English. Purpose of the study, the history of the English language and slang. The theoretical basis for writing the work were the materials on the Internet, academic material.Purpose: To investigate the origin of the English language and to compare the American, British and Australian slang.
English, which is the most taught language, not a substitute for other languages, but rather complements them, 300 million Chinese - more than the entire population of the United States - learn English, English in 90 countries - or a second language, either widely studied, in France public high schools for students required to study for four years of English or German language, the majority - at least 85% - choose English in Japan, students must study English for six years before graduating from high school. In Russia, where the study of foreign languages to children's need, the majority of teaching English. In Norway, Sweden and Denmark will study English language. Of all European countries, not the various territories of the historical processes of media convergence and divergence of different dialects and languages. Dialectology as a historical category is intended to reconstruct the history of different dialects, history, occurrence, development or loss of dialectal features of their distribution in certain areas, or narrow the scope of such an extension, ultimately seeks to reconstruct the history of the language in its dialectal variants throughout the existence and development of people carrier. Interestingly, in our opinion, is the fact that dialectology associated with ethnography, as many ethnographic and dialectological features together define a particular historical territory.
Ivanov, VV noted that the tribal division was the beginning of the later dialect division of the Russian territory. In place of the tribes in the Middle Ages were the feudal principalities, and then in their place - modern dialects, dating back to feudal and earlier, tribal dialects. Thus, the dialectical differences are rooted in antiquity.Native dialects and the language was Russian nationality. They have always been a lively folk speech, and with the rise in X-XI centuries literary language became one of his sources. Cultural-treated tongue to be understood only as it is written in the history of grinding, ie his conscious codification. In some of their qualities of this sign is relative, because the culture and its development - an essential feature of the nation as a whole. This is elaborated in the writings of cultural studies, it is always emphasized Academician DS Likhachev, who thought highly popular, and already, the peasant Russian culture and, moreover, in its heedless saw the cause of many ills of modern civilization.
Every nation, nationality, nation have their own traditional culture. In contrast to the codification of the literary language of folk culture of the language only of usual: it is in Language Usage is a selection of language means. Since culture is composed of popular speech, is formed by ethnic character of the people. The Russian philosopher Ivan Ilyin said that "the language contains a mysterious way and focused all his soul, all the past, all the spiritual way of life and all the creative ideas of the people"

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06.12.2020 09:26

When asked what profession is the most important, everyone responds differently. And if you ask what is the most difficult and intense, perhaps, in the first place would be called severe male profession, remember the firefighters, rescuers, policemen, or water. The most knowledgeable scientists would call, all knowledge workers. But, in my opinion, there are people whose work brings together all of these characteristics. The point of their lives - the most necessary, most difficult, most responsible, requiring continuous improvement. These are the people facing the most important task - to identify, treat, prevent disease, ensure the preservation and promotion of health and disability of people who save lives. And these people - doctors.

For a long time he was credited with prolonging life. At a time when the devastating epidemic and the war took the lives of millions of people, doctors have persistently searched for ways to get rid and protect against dangerous diseases, trying to reduce complications from injuries and surgeries. They created all the new drugs and vaccines, often experiencing them myself, so as not to endanger other people. Through them the opportunity to prevent and treat a huge number of diseases that were previously considered lethal.

In a world of constantly emerging new, previously unknown diseases, epidemics break out. And as always, come to the rescue "health guards" - brave, determined people who are exposed to unknown risks, engaging in the fight against viruses, bacteria and other pathogens. Doctors, as before, save people, protect life on Earth.

In the rush of modern life, where everyone cares primarily about their daily bread, health issues are often overshadowed. And remember, we currently only when it gets really bad. That's when most of us can not do without the intervention of a specialist. And every day the doctors are doing their best and sometimes impossible, to help us get back to normal, normal life.

And how often members of this profession have a difficult save lives and it all depends on their skills, ability to take correct and timely decision. And you can not make a mistake, because the cost of failure - human life.

It is difficult even to imagine what would happen to the planet if it were not for doctors. If no one studied the causes and nature of the disease was not looking for life-saving drugs and treatments.

Medicine is constantly in development. New diseases call for new knowledge. In addition, physician knowledge and skills are not confined to a clean area of medicine. This person must be a good psychologist - to be able to listen to a man to penetrate his soul, able to soothe, inspire hope, confidence, faith, to be able to convince the correctness

and the need for the prescribed treatment. After all, many people, oddly enough, are reluctant to take care of their health and often their stubbornness only worsen the condition, slowing the healing process.

For this job you must have a particular temperament, attentiveness, patience, serenity, kindness, and at the time of Yasa - hardness, ability to make decisions quickly, a great sense of responsibility. It certainly must be a person with all my heart devoted to his work, a man who understands the importance and seriousness of the profession, one who is not afraid of the dangers, difficulties, who agrees to devote his life to people and working to continue to learn and improve.

In my opinion, the doctors every day commit heroic acts. After all, they save people, their lives, often risking their and they prolong the existence of mankind. Is not this is their great feat?

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