Нужно. summer is coming and i want to look my best: healthy, energetic and physically fit. so i'm trying to eat plain, simply cooked natural food, have enough sleep at night and i have recently joined our local fitness club. do you do anything special to stay healthy? what makes people healthy and strong? what do you think about a healthy lifestyle? by the way, i'm going to spend a month at the seaside this ответьте на ее 3 вопроса, и задайте ей 3 вопроса, о том как она провела летние каникулы
I believe this is ability to keeping yourself in a good shape.
What do i think? (laughing) Only i can say, keep trying and trying and you will win one day.
So what about you? Were have you being this summer? Did you meet new friends or smth? Will you spend the next summer in the same place or somwhere else?