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we often see other nationalities as having a set of characteristics which set them apart from others, particularly ourselves: the italians are excitable and love children, the finns are reserved people who say very little, and so on. but, if you look more closely, the situation appears more complicated. you become aware that the italians, for example, have the fewest children per family in europe, and the finns love to talk on their mobile phones the british are famous for their tolerance and sense of humour, yet they don't always say what they think and can be intentionally rude. this amazes americans, who do not understand such behaviour. britain's nearest neighbours can be just as surprised as the americans. french writer andré maurois wrote: 'in france, it is rude not to have a conversation with someone: in england, it is unwise to have one. no one there blames you for silence. when you have not opened your mouth for three years, they will think, "this frenchman's quite a nice fellow. as with the italians and the finns, the truth about the british is, of course, much more complicated. however, perhaps certain generalisations can be made. britain is an island a fact not changed by the construction of the channel tunnel and it has not been successfully conquered since 1066. for this reason, britaln and the british remain deeply individualistic however, the british are not one nationality but four who all see each other differently. to the english, the welsh are a much more talkative group than themselves, and indeed wales has produced many, preachers and trade unlon leaders, particularly in the 19th century. in contrast the scots are seen as serious and sometimes mean in the 1950s, many commonwealth citizens, mostly from the west indies, emlgrated to britain. others came too: asians came from the indian subcontinent and africa, and chinese people came from hong kong. many of these newcomers have put in a lot of effort to build up successful businesses. together with arabs and africans, they make up 6.4 % of the population and help to form what is now a multi-racial society. even though the people in britain all have different accents,different cultural backgrounds and different views and even different languages, they are still all part of an island race, whose culture and customs are mixed so well together that they produce a british identity. to understand britain, however, its people tell you, takes many visits. bearing in mind their inability to say what they mean, this probably translates as: 'although we regard tourism as rather undesirable, we put up with it because we need the business the visitors are bringing in. 6 based on brian bell, insight guldes-great britain​

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19.05.2021 23:19

1) My bicycle isn`t here any more. Somebody has taken it

2) When did you give up smoking?

3)I didn`t eat anything yesterday, because I didn`t feel hungry

4)The car looks very clean have you washed it?

5)Jill bought a new cat two weeks ago

6)His hair is very short, He has had a haircut

7)Did you visit many museums when you were in Parish?

8)No, I`m afraid went out

10) Molly lives in Diblin. She has lived there all her life

11)Bob and Alice are married. They have been married for 20 years

12) When were on holiday, the weather was awful


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12.02.2022 10:17

On August 24, 79, one of the most catastrophic eruptions of the Vesuvius volcano took place. As a result of this natural disaster, the Roman cities of Pompeii, Herculaneum and Stabia, located at the foot of the volcano, were completely destroyed.

That day, in the early morning, a black cloud rose above the volcano, which had long been thought to be asleep. The sky suddenly became formidable, and the ashes erupting from the volcano completely concealed the sun and the darkness came. One could not go outside without a pillow to cover one's head, for heavy stones fell on his head with the ashes. Soon a giant hot cloud of stones, ashes and smoke up to 33 km high came out of the volcano's vent. The process was accompanied by the release of thermal energy, which was many times greater than the one emitted in the explosion of the atomic bomb over Hiroshima. The power of the eruption was such that the ashes from it reached even Egypt and Syria.

The eruption of Vesuvius led to the death of three cities - Pompeii, Herculaneum, Stabia and several small villages and villas. In the process of excavation it was found out that in the cities everything remained the same as it was before the eruption. The eruption of 79 years has thrown out about 3 km ³ of volcanic deposits which have fallen out by rain on Pompeii, having covered the city with a multimeter layer. Under the thickness of this ashes were found streets, houses with full furnishings, people and animals that did not have time to escape.

In Pompeii and Herculaneum, it is estimated that around 16,000 people died in Pompeii and Herculaneum due to the abundance of ash fallout and hydrothermal pyroclastic flows, which reached 700 °C.

Pliny the Younger, a Roman politician and writer, witnessed the incident and described it in his notes. And his uncle, Pliny the Elder, was among the dead. In order to better observe the terrible phenomenon of nature, he approached the ship too close to the place of the disaster and fell victim to his curiosity, poisoned by sulfuric vapors.

Studies of the eruption of Vesuvius in 79 allowed us to speculate about the impending eruption of the volcano. After the 1944 eruption, Vesuvius was in a relatively calm state. Scientists have suggested that the longer the volcano is inactive, the stronger the next eruption, which may be particularly dangerous for the densely populated area.

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