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Нужно прямо

1. поставьте следующие предложения в отрицательную и вопросительную формы:

he will come to the plant tomorrow.

will he come to the plant tomorrow?

he will not come to the plant tomorrow.

1. the train for moscow leaves at 3 pm.

2. he will ask a porter to help him.

3. he was at the airport two ours before departure.

4. we register our luggage.

ii. образуйте сравнительную и превосходную степени от прилагательных:

happy, beautiful, hot, good, bad, cheap

iii. заполните пропуски, употребляя местоимения: somebody, something, anybody, anything, nobody, nothing, everybody.

she said something but i didn`t understand it.

1. liked the visit to the plant. it was not very interesting.

2. she had to go to the supermarket. there was in the fridge.

3. don`t worry. he won`t say .to ann.

4. the young man is very upset. ……… wrong with his car.

iv. перепишите предложения, употребляя правильные предлоги:

1. you have your own villa ……. the sea coast.

2. they`d like to take part ……… our film..

3. they said nothing ……….. each other.

4. jane was met ………. her friends and relatives.

v. письменно переведите текст и дайте ответы на вопросы.

many housewives in britain have nice kitchens in their apartments. but they have neither time nor desire to cook. they often buy ready-made food at the supermarkets or go to restaurants.

a very popular pastime is eating out in a restaurant. in most towns there is a wide variety of restaurants serving different types of food at different prices. most british towns now have chinese or indian restaurants which serve quite cheap food; italian restaurants are also popular and french restaurants are for expensive high quality cooking.

as well as restaurants most towns have a number of bars and cafes where you can get sandwiches and other snacks. there are also hamburger restaurants specializing in cheap meals – especially hamburgers. many pubs now have restaurants or grill rooms, too. in some you can get a full range of dishes, in others the choice is more limited.

in take-away restaurants you can buy cooked meals to take home. fish and chip shops are very popular. you can have some meal there (fish, but sometimes chicken or sausage, too) or take it away and eat somewhere outside. now there are taken-away chinese and indian restaurants in many towns. your order is packed in special containers.

1. why do the british housewives buy ready-made food?

2. what restaurants can we find in london?

3. what types of restaurants specialize in cheap meals?

4. what is the most popular dishes in london?

vi. закончите предложения, используя подходящие слова из рамки. используйте каждое слово только один раз. в рамке есть лишнее слово, которое не нужно использовать.

the english ballet

choice rank sibsidise estimated

leading range activities

an (1) 6 million people take part in dance, making it one of britain`s (2) participation (3) the royal ballet, birminghem royal ballet, english national ballet, northern ballet theatre and rambert dance company (4) among the world`s leading companies. the arts council (5) these and a wide (6) of other companies and dance organizations, for example, the richard alston dance company.

Показать ответ
14.10.2021 18:40
Dear (имя друга),
Etiquette rules are very important in Russia. Men usually greet each other with a handshake. When women meet, they kiss on the cheek three times. When I meet my friends and relatives, I always greet women with kissing their hands and I greet men with a handshake.
If foreigner visits a Russian family, male guests are expected to bring flowers for women. A little gift or souvenirs are welcomed too. Russians often protest when they are offered a gift. Reply that it is a little something and offer the gift again. I am sure it will generally be accepted. Russians are great hosts and love entertaining guests in their homes. They will often put more food on the table than can be eaten to indicate there is an abundance of food. Guests who leave food on their plates honor their host. It means they have eaten well.
Write back soon.
(Твоё имя)
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25.07.2021 01:34


NZ is a constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary system of government. This means that our head of state is a sovereign (currently Queen Elizabeth II). The Queen is represented in NZ by the Governor-General, Dame Patsy Reddy.

The Governor-General

NZ uses a Mixed Member Proportional (MMP) voting system which makes it unlikely that any one political party (eg National, Labour, Greens) will win a majority of the seats in the House. The party with the most votes usually needs to form a coalition or agreement with another party or parties.

MMP voting system  

NZ also uses the system of ‘responsible government’.  This means government can only be made up of Ministers who are first elected members of the House of Representatives.  The government can only stay in power while it has a majority of members in the House of Representatives.  This is known as having the confidence of the House.

Our system of government  

The system of government works by having 3 separate branches of government. This ‘separation of powers’ makes sure no one part of government has too much power.

The different branches of government

New Zealand’s 3 branches of government  

The legislature (Parliament)

This is the House of Representatives (where all the MPs sit) and it includes select committees.  

Members of Parliament (MPs)

The House’s role is to:

supply the government (the political party or parties in power) with MPs

make new laws and update old ones by carefully looking at and talking about bills -which become laws when they’re passed

represent New Zealanders by giving a voice to different ideas from people and organisations

examine and approve the government’s taxes and spending

check the actions of the Executive.

The Executive branch

This is the Government. It runs the country and makes day-to-day decisions on how and what NZ should spend its money on.  It brings proposed laws to parliament, and decides policies which get put into practice by government departments.

It is made up of Ministers of the Crown supported by government agencies.

List of Ministers  

The judiciary

The judiciary are judges and the courts. Judges interpret the law in cases that come before the courts by hearing and deciding cases, and they can review decisions of government.

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