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06.02.2020 12:47 •  Английский язык

Нужно подчеркнуть модальные глаголы и их заменители в тексте the elements of the track the track is often called the permanent way.it consists of rails,ties and ballast. the distance between the rails is called the gauge. the place where the ends of the rails meet in the track is known fs the rail joint. the rail joint has always been the weakest part of the track for neariy all the rails wear out at the ends. some railroads have two or more track. in order to make the trains pass from one track to another the railroads must have a switch which is a very important element of the track. the rails differ greatly in weight according to the kind of traffic which they are to carry when placed in the track.the largest and heaviest rails are laid in main line tracks because they have to carry the largest volume of traffic. the ties on most tracks were almost all of wood and in order to make them last longer they were treated with creosote. the ties are not laid upon the earth for the earth cannot support the track structure. they rest upon a bed of crushed rock or gravel,which is called ballast. ballast supports the track structure, holds the track in position and provides needed drainage.

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26.05.2023 08:57
We decided to have a special celebration of Mother's Day. We thought it a fine idea. It made us realise how much Mother had done for us for years, and all the efforts and sacrifices that she had made for our sake. 
So we decided that we'd make it a great day, a holiday for all the family, and do everything we could to make Mother happy. Father decided to take a holiday from his office, so as to help in celebrating the day, and my sister Ann and I stayed home from college classes, and Mary and my brother Will stayed home from High School. 
It was our plan to make it a day just like Christmas or any big holiday, and so we decided to decorate the house with flowers. We asked Mother to do it, because she always does it. 
The two girls thought it would be a nice thing to dress in our best for such a big occasion, and so they both got new hats. Father had bought silk ties for himself and us boys. We were going to get Mother a new hat too, but it turned out that she liked her old hat better than a new one. 
After breakfast we decided that we would hire a motor car and take Mother for a beautiful drive away into the country. But on the very morning of the day we changed the plan a little bit. We all felt that it would be nicer to have a definite purpose. It turned out that Father had just got a new rod the day before, and he said that Mother could use it if she wanted to: in fact, he said it was practically for her, only Mother said she would rather watch him fish than fish herself. 
So we got everything arranged for the trip. Mother cut up some sandwiches and packed all up in a basket for us. 
When the car came to the door, it turned out that we couldn't all get in. Father said that he could stay at home and work in the garden. The girls said that Mother had only to say the word and they’d gladly stay t home and work. 
In the end it was decided that Mother would stay at home and have a lovely restful day round the house. It turned out anyway that Mother didn't care for fishing and also it was just a little bit cold and fresh out-of-doors, though it was lovely and sunny, and Father was afraid that Mother might take cold if she came. 
We had the loveliest day. Father and the boys fished, the girls met quite a lot of people. We all had a splendid time. 
It was quite late when we got back. We sat down to dinner. It was grand. When it was over all of us wanted to help clear the things up and wash the dishes, only Mother said that she would really much rather do it. 
When we all kissed Mother before going to bed, she said it had been the most wonderful day in her life and I think there were tears in her eyes.
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28.01.2020 06:07

Olympic games and Kazakhstan

July 17 at 11:35 am

 Taufik KARIMOV, a political analyst

On the eve of the main sporting event of the quadrennial year-the London Olympics-let's remember the achievements of Kazakhstani athletes at the Olympic games of our time.

Participation of Kazakhstani athletes in the Olympic games of our time should be divided into two parts – first as part of the USSR national team, and then, after independence, as part of the national team under its national flag.

However, first I want to warn readers – here you will see some discrepancies with the generally accepted data. For example, it is believed that for the first time Kazakhstan took part in the Olympics in 1956, in my opinion – in 1952 (then, by the way, the first medal was won, and not in 1960, as it is believed).

The first Olympic champion-Kazakh in official sources is called the wrestler Zhaksylyk USHKEMPIROV (1980), although in fact this is Alzhan ZHARMUKHAMEDOV (1972). Without detracting from the merits of our outstanding athlete, we just note that Ushkempirov is indeed the first Kazakh Olympic champion who represented Kazakhstan directly. And Kazakh Zharmukhamedov, who became the champion of the Munich Olympics in the Soviet basketball team, then lived in Moscow and played for CSKA. Then we all lived in a single state called the USSR, and it often happened that the best athletes, and not only from Kazakhstan, played for other Union republics. However, in order

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