Нужно перевести на анг-! в человеке всё должно быть прекрасно: и лицо, и одежда, и душа, и сказал великий писатель а. п. чехов сперва в порядок свою комнату, а уж потом принимайся за остальной мир -эти слова сказал джефф джордан
In the person all should be fine: his face and clothes, and soul and thoughts ... so said the great Russian writer First set in order his room, and only then make a for the rest of the world-these words said Jeff Jordan
In person all should be perfect: his face and clothes and spirit and thoughts... so said great Russian writer A.P.Chekhov First set in order your room, and only then make for rest of the world. This words said Jeff Jordan.
First set in order his room, and only then make a for the rest of the world-these words said Jeff Jordan
First set in order your room, and only then make for rest of the world. This words said Jeff Jordan.