Нужно перевести из прямой речи в косвенную речь
1. The teacher said to the boys «Don`t talk very loud».
2. She says to her brother «I will come home late».
3. Nick said «I am waiting for my parents now».
4. He told his friend «I have drawn my brother`s portrait today».
5. The doctor said «Give up fast food».
6. «I can play basketball here» said his sister.
7. «The children were playing computer games at 5 p.m yesterday» they said.
8. She said to them «I didn`t know this man».
9. «I am busy» Pete said.
10. «Don`t worry about the exams so much» said the teacher to the class.
Present Perfect - это действие, которое или завершилось настоящему моменту или в период настоящего времени. Употребляется в таких случаях :
-если важен сам факт происходящего действия, а не время. Например - I have visited Kiev 5 times. Здесь не важно, когда именно, важен сам факт посещения. Если указать время посещения, то будет просто Past Simple например I visited Kiev 2 years ago.
- если период, в который произошло действие, еще не закончился. Например - I have read
that book this month. Месяц еще не закончился. Если бы начался следующий месяц. тогда было бы I read that book last month.
- действие, которое началось в и продолжается в момент разговора. Наример
I have stidied English since I was 10. Имеется в виду, что начал изучать английский в 10 и до сих пор изучаю.
I would like to tell you a few words about my winter holiday. Every pupil likes holidays and I am not an exeption. It is a great time to have a rest. There is no need to get up early in the morning, go to shool every day and tnen spend all evening doing your homework. During my winter holidays I did not go out too much, because of not very pleasent weather. As for me I felt more comfortaible staying at home with my family. I read many interesting books, spent time at my computer and, of course, celebrated all the holidays with my family and friends.