Нужно. ответьте побыстрее, нужно завтра сочинение про сказку золушка: 1) введение: автор, жанр, название. 2) основная часть сюжета: главный герой, тема. 3) мнение стоит ли читать или нет? 4) почему стоит начинать читать? на языке с переводом.
My neighbor has to be like this. First it must be neat, because I do not like clutter. Second, he must be smart, always able to tell me anything or help in the lessons. I also do not like people that are boring! My ideal neighbor - he always cheer you and lift your spirits. but he's my ideal, not climb up to me with your questions! Now, I would like it to be good, do not be greedy, and vsegla shared food! and of course he knew how to cook! but if talk about something Ideally, it delivery has to cook me coffee every morning and put them in bed ...umm ...that's it, my ideal!
You must not run along the corridors.
(Запрещено бегать по коридорам)
You can not eat in the classrooms
( Запрещено есть в классных комнатах, в классе)
You must not shout or speak loud at school
( Запрещено кричать или громко разговаривать в школе)
You must water the flowers in your classroom When you are duty
(Ты должен поливать цветы в классной комнате, когда ты дежурный)
You must not run and jump in classrooms.
(Запрещено бегать и прыгать в классах)
You must not seat on the window sills
(Запрещено сидеть на подоконниках.)
You must not use your phone on the lessons
(Запрещено использовать телефон на уроках)
talk about something Ideally, it delivery has to cook me coffee every morning and put them in bed ...umm ...that's it, my ideal!