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What do you dream of becoming? Whatever it is, you must follow your dream and never give up, no matter what life throws in your way. That's what a young Russian woman called lrina Kolesnikova did, and now she is the brightest star in ballet today. She has captivated audiences around the world with her performances as Odette and Odile in Swan Lake, Clara in The Nutcracker, Aurora in The Sleeping Beauty, Giselle, and many more.
Irina grew up in St Petersburg and the moment she saw The Sleeping Beauty on TV, she decided she wanted to become a ballerina. She enrolled at the Vaganova School, but her teachers were unkind and made her lose faith in her beauty and talent. She lost all her confidence, and after graduation she couldn't find a ballet company to hire her. She was rejected by both the Kirov and the Mussorgsky Theatres, and didn't know what to do. Then unexpectedly, she met an old school friend who advised her to audition for the recently formed St Petersburg Ballet Theatre, and she was accepted.
Irina quickly rose through the ranks and word of her talent and skill spread far and wide. People flocked to see her when the company toured England, Australia, South Africa, and Japan. She has also won many gold and silver medals in international competitions, and she was nominated by British critics for 'Best Female Dancer' at London's National Dance Awards.
lrina is a perfect example of why you should never give up on your dream. Success comes to those who keep on trying!

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10.09.2021 13:11
There can be many reasons why people learn foreign languages.some people learn foreign languages because they want to be enrolled at a prestigious university.also knowledge of foreign language gives some opportunities.for example,you can read and watch films in original or communicate with foreigners.when you learn languages you develop your skills and outlook.moreover,these knowledge can help you realize your dreams and wishes,for example you can travel abroad..besides,if you want to make a successful career,you need in knowledge of foreign languages,because the people who have these knowledge,they have an advantage over other people
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19.11.2022 10:02

Это было давным-давно. Среди замков стоял красивый замок. Он был сделан из цветов. Это было самым большим богатством. Замок благоухал разноцветными цветами от светло-розового до ярко-красного, от светло-голубого до ярко-синего, от светло-зелёного до ярко-зелёного. Там были миллионы цветов.

В этом замке жила семья из трёх человек. У них имена были цветущие

Они быстро уничтожили это проклятое растение, и им все цветы. Сели родители отдохнуть и вдруг видят: бежит красивая молодая девушка со слезами на глазах. Это была Астрочка.

Отец и мать обняли девочку. И вдруг соседний замок покрылся разноцветными цветами.It was a long time ago. Among castles stood a beautiful castle. It was made from the flowers. It was the biggest wealth. Castle fragrant colorful flowers from light pink to bright red, from light blue to bright blue, from light green to bright green. There were millions of colors.

In this castle lived a family of three. Their names were blooming. Father - Dahlia, mother rose and little daughter - Astraka.

Next to the castle there were many other castles. In one of them lived a wicked witch. This castle was out of the dim prickly flowers, at first sight seeming dead.
Once the witch stepped into his black garden, sat down on a bench, and suddenly she was gripped by evil from the view of neighboring castle. She was blinded by the beauty that she hated.
In rage the old woman jumped up and rushed to her room, inviting two of his servants, black embers.

"Listen to me carefully, my servants, I tell you what. Today I'll turn into white doves. You have to carry out in the neighbouring castle vicious cactus and put him into the garden, where he walks a little girl. Embers turned into doves and did as told from the evil witch.
Astrack walked in the garden. Birds sang, dismissed all the new flowers, flew colorful butterflies. Among this beauty Astrack saw an unusual flower, which has never been seen.

"What is that flower? Go and show his mom and dad.
The girl wanted him to take, but then she pricked and instantly fell asleep. Had she slept for about an hour. My parents became worried and went to look for her daughter. They came into the garden and saw Mastrocco lying in the flowers. When the father raised her, she woke up, she started to yell, stomp your feet. Parents looked with horror at her daughter and could not find it:
"What happened, dear?

- Nothing! Get away from me! You I was bored.
Her face was bent, faded, and she ran to her room. Since then, Astraka became very violent towards others.
Two months have passed. Girl in another fit of rage went to live in the nearby castle. Parents watched in horror at her and there was nothing he could do.
Astrack came to an evil old woman, she was very glad she came.
Because she wanted it.
- Well done, that came. Here will be my replacement, I was already quite old became forgetful.
The girl's parents were very sad, but did not know the reasons for such changes.

Years passed. Astrack grew wicked, wayward, and even the name she was different - Irba. The old woman died. In the neighboring castle commanded Irba. Parents, too, have grown old. They rarely went out into the garden, where we walked their daughter, don't go.
Once they decided to go to the place where he lost his daughter.

They went, went and saw
overgrown cactus.
It was the same cactus.
He became a great,
and all around him was
dry and black.
And then it all figured
father Dahlia and her mother rose.

They quickly destroyed the damn plant, and they helped all the flowers. Got the parents to relax and suddenly I see: running a beautiful young girl with tears in her eyes. It was Astraka.

Father and mother hugged the girl. And suddenly the neighbouring castle was covered with colorful flowers.
All the heroes helped kindness, patience, and faith in the perfect.
Во всём героям доброта, терпение и вера в прекрасное.

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