Нужно написать письмо другу в котором нужно ответить на его вопросы и спросить три вопроса на счет его дня рождения. письмо в формате огэ 100-140слов вопросы : что ты и твои друзья думаете об экстремальном спорте , есть у вас в городе места для него , какой популярный экстримальный спорт в россии.
I was really glad to receive you mail last time. You made me happy. Also you have asked me a few questions about extreme sports which I am going to answer in this letter. Hope you will enjoy reading it, so let's go!
In my opinion, extreme sport is too dangerous, so I don't like and I don't think it's a good idea. Most of my friends will agree with me. It's really stupid to injure yourself or die only because you wanted to be a cool guy who risks his life to be more popular.
In Russia riding BMX bicycle is quite popular. BMX is a bicycle which used for racings or stunt riding. I heard that we have some places, where you can ride it in my city,but actually i don't know where are they.
So, I hope you have learned something new about me. Also you have Birthday soon, don't you? What do you want your family and friends give you for your Birthday? And are you going to have a B-day party?
Waiting for your answer,
Love you,
(твое имя)